Show all | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005Dear Marge & Rich,rnI wonder if you have ever tried contacting the Long Island Medium? I know you must have had a million psychics involved, but she always seemed authentic to me. I have followed your son's case from day one. I am from So. philly. I offer you my deepest condolences on the loss of your precious son and his lovely friend. May God Bless and keep you as he holds you in the palm of his hand.
Dianna, Tuesday, December 29, 2015
sorry to see that nothing has been done and a friend that help they was beat and he lost everything over helping somebody. maybe the police should look at thing that happen in Middletown and in Albany around that time. he was taken to Albany med and we know his family and ex had something to do with it but nothing has been done about that!sorry for your lose.
bruce willams, Monday, September 14, 2015
Dearest Marge,Rich and Family,rnwords cannot express the sadness that is felt for you and your family. The loss of your beautiful son Richard is monumental, the heartache is always with you. Please know that our thought are with you on the anniversary of your special sons 46th birthday. 46 years ago God gave you a beautiful gift may Richard continue to be close to your heart forever,rnWith all our Love,rnCass, Tom, & Matt xo
Cass Fay, Saturday, August 29, 2015
Dearest Richard, I just read your Dad's amazing note to you and I too want to say that my thoughts and prayerful wishes are with you on your 46th birthday. I too hope you are at peace and looking down upon your family with love and gratitude. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, August 27, 2015
Some days you just pop in my head and I think about how much I miss you.
Jimmy Hartman, Monday, May 18, 2015
Dear Petrone Family, I am now watching the program Save My Bakery and was so saddened to hear about your son. I am a mother of two daughters and can not imagine how horrible this must be and how it never seems to go away or get better like people tell you. Please don't give up. I promise you I will pray to Saint Jude for you tonight and keep you in my prayers forever. All of you need to be the support system for your granddaughter. She seems to be a little firecracker and has a lot of spirit and with her and all the new changes coming your way I hope that everything goes well with your Bakery and you stay in business and keep passing it down generation to generation. Again, my heart felt condolences for all your pain. Please hang in there and don't stop praying. God works in mysterious ways and if you don't give up you have a reason to keep going every day. God bless you all and give you the peace of mind and closure that you are seeking. Sincerely,Lenore
Lenore Croce, Thursday, April 30, 2015
I am a South Jersey native and moved back to South Jersey for about 6 months back in 2005, shortly after the disappearance. I check the website a few times a year and I always hope one day news will break there is information on what happened. I cannot imagine the feelings both families must have. My heart goes out to both families. Sending positive vibes to you all.rnrnJulie
Julie Wagner, Sunday, March 22, 2015
To Richard Petrone's family,rn I've never gone to a website like this. I never forgot about your story since it began, never stopped thinking about the families,the children robbed of their parents. It's tragic and infuriating to the public, for you it is inhumane torture. If only people caring was powerful enough to move this mountain - I wish it could be done. Richard is almost exactly my age, I think of my kids and parents - my heart breaks for you. It doesn't fix anything, but please know there are those of us who think of you and wish you love and courage. rn Kristin
Kristin, Sunday, February 22, 2015
This story touched my heart ten years ago. Over the past ten years I have thought about this story many, many times- it has never left my mind. Over the past ten years I have never forgotten their names or faces or their families and all the hurt those who loved Richard and Danielle go through on a daily basis still today. As this uncomfortable anniversary rears it's ugly head another year- please know there are so many like me that are praying for your families to find the peace that you all deserve and need so much! Always in my heart, Emily
Emily, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I'm encouraged by the recent news that Richie's case has been reopened. Anyone that knew him knows what really happened. Richard was a family man all the way. He would have never deserted his family, friends and most important, his daughter Angela who he loved more then anyone in the world. He had more friends then anyone I ever knew and I was blessed to be one of them. rnJustice will be served.rnrnLove, Chris
Christopher F, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
There is a saying "Time Heals All Wounds". I disagree. The wounds are still there. We are thinking of you today, Richard. We will never forget. I love you, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Whether its 10 years or 3,652 days ago, it feels like yesterday when this nightmare happened. Searching for you in woods, along rivers and in fields in this cold February weather. Trying to gather photos of you and make a tribute video because I didn't know what to do with myself in my private time of despair. Confused, frustrated and saddened, not knowing where you were or what happened. Following the advice of psychics because the FBI was turning up nothing. It still makes no sense to this day. The people that know and love you will always know that it was not your choice to leave this world. What an evil senseless act, for anyone to decide to end someone else's life, and get away with it. The only consolation, is that if I can remember that horror so vividly, I can also remember the great times we had as well. You were such a good man, father, son, cousin, uncle and best friend. I always be grateful for the gift of your friendship...and no one can ever take that away.rnrnI love and miss you, my buddy.rnTP
Tom Pelle, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I sit here with my fingers on the keys willing them to type something that will ease your pain. They fail me. As I read over the posts from previous years and now the new ones I am filled with such anger and sorrow that it tests my faith. I know this is all God's plan but it makes no sense to me. All I can do is continue to pray and hope he will answer. My heart hurts for you today and everyday.
Diane Price Meyer, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
i used to work at gillanes restaurant basically right next door from viking pastries. i was a few years younger then richie but became pretty friendly. he was really friendly with all the guys that worked at gillanes when i worked there. actually ended up goin to a couple of shows together cause of similiar taste in music. he was a very sweet, cool, funny guy but what i most remember about him which stayed with or without this tragedy was an image i saw many times of him walking his daughter into the shop or i believe if my memory serves me he had a place on top of the shop. he would have his hand on her back and he always came across to me as such a loving father. i didnt know richie in any real personal way but he struck me as a man of character and talented too. my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends and loved ones.
chris connell, Sunday, February 15, 2015
Dear Rich and Marge and Family,rnrn Just wanted you to know we are thinking about you on this rnrnvery sad day ; Grief cannot be shared ..Everyone carries it arnrnalone, His own burden, His own way ...rnrn Always With Love,rnrn Cass,Tom, and Mattrnrn xoo
cass fay, Sunday, February 15, 2015
I was moved to tears this evening when I was on 202 and saw this couple show up on the billboard. Then tonight on the news. I think of them often and pray that they will be found. My prayers are with your families, I pray this will all be solved. Yours in Christ, JoAnne.
JoAnne, Sunday, February 15, 2015
I have followed this mystery from the first time I heard it on the news in 2005. It is beyond the scope of belief and understanding.rnTo both families I send to you my heartfelt sympathy. I have never been nor ever will be one to understand the evil deeds of others. I hope you continue to be strong and believe the answer is out there somewhere. I send to you my warmest thoughts and hope you find answers and peace.
C Sharpe, Monday, February 9, 2015
My heart aches for your family. Sending hugs and prayers from Illinois!rn
Debbie (Mathus) Brumley, Monday, February 9, 2015
With sadness in my heart for Margie and Richard, who have to go through this nightmare on earth....Prayers going up every day for closure for the Petrone and Imbo Families...Justice will be done...keep Hope in our hearts...Our Lord will see this through...
Alyce Patrone Penna, Monday, February 9, 2015
I haven't been on much of this past year. I suppose I didn't have too much to say. We took a ride on august 29th to Asbury Park. Just your Mom and I. We strolled the boardwalk and watched the ocean. Had some lunch. Shed some tears. Remembered that day you came into our lives. We still miss you so.
Rich Petrone, Tuesday, January 6, 2015