August 29, 2016: Richard’s 47th Birthday
Dear Richard and Margie, Wanting to wish Richard a Happy Belated Birthday. A life gone toooo soon. My prayer for you is that you will find peace. We keep Richard alive by talking about him, just calling his name. May he always be with you. Much Love to you and your Family, Always, Tom,Cass and Matthew Fay, Xo So sorry ) 🙁
Cass Fay, September 6, 2016
I have fond memories of Richie growing up as young boys & playing hockey together for the Gladiators on the same team. You could always count on Richie to crack a joke or the first one to congratulate a teammate on a scoring play. I’ve continued to follow this case from afar, however, I often think about you Richie. I hope & pray we can one day find the monster(s) responsible for taking Richie from us. My prayers go out to Mr. & Mrs. Petrone who have always been so kind to me & my family. I will continue to pray for you. Love,
Sam Gross
Happy 47th birthday richard…I pray that you are in peace….and will continue to watch over your family that misses you more and more as time moves on without you…Angela and little Timmy are our physical reminders of the importance of moving forward in your honor and memory…my other prayer is a selfish one…and it is that before it is your families turn to leave this earth…may the justice that we seek prevail….may these prayers and hopes become a reality…love,
aunt lisa
Happy birthday my dear son. Not a day passes without thinking about you. Your grandson is growing bigger and stronger every day and you would be so proud of him.
Richard Petrone
Richard — thinking of you today on your birthday. You are never far from my thoughts. Just wanted to say “hello” to you on your birth date. Love you always,
Eternity. Always was always would be. Time with no beginning and no end. And we are simply grains of sand. But for a brief flicker we come alive. We matter to some. We play a part in these dreams we call life. The length of time we are here doesn’t matter. It is but an instant. But in that instant lies all that life has for us. All the joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure. All the people we know and love. All the people we helped to create. All the things we do to make to make each day our own. All the little things we did in all the uncounted minutes of our lives. These are the things that count. These are the things that those of us who are still here remember.
Richard Petrone (originally posted August 29, 2013)
February 19, 2016, 11th Year of Richard’s Disappearance
11 Year Mystery: The Disappearance of Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone, Jr.
Read more from ABC Philadelphia
No Sign of Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone After 11 Years: couple still missing, FBI not giving up

Read more from NBC Philadelphia
You may remember me a friend of yours from St Joe’s. My fiance Marie and I visited you in South Philly and met your wife Marge and the baby, Richard Jr. sometime after graduation. Last time we saw each other if memory serves was at your bakery in South Jersey. At the time my family and I were living in Marlton. Woke up yesterday around 3am and for some reason was thinking about you. Rich you were one of the nicest most thoughtful and considerate guys I ever met and for you to be facing such a terrible situation tragedy is just unimaginable. I am praying that someone comes forward to solve this crime and gives you a chance to heal in the near future. Your dear friend Gary.
Gary Marr, March 6
Gone, but never forgotten…Forever in the thoughts and hearts of so many…Richard, watch over your family…Please give them closure in some way…
Alyce Patrone Penna, February 19
Dearest Richard: Woke up today and you were right there in my thoughts. I think of you and I picture you in beautiful surroundings (heavenly like). You are always shining brightly. You are at peace. We all love you and you will be in our hearts forever. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, February 19
Dearest Marge Rich and Family, On this heartbreaking anniversary my thoughts and prayers are always with you, I pray for closure for you and your family. And that your Dear Sweet Richard warmth surround you always. Always With Love, Cass, Tom, and Matt Fay Xxxooo
Cass Fay, Monday, February 15
FBI Seeking Information to Solve Case: Needs Your Help
FBI Seeking Information in Philadelphia Couple’s Disappearance
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
The FBI is offering a reward of up to $15,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone involved in the disappearance of Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone in 2005.
From the FBI Facebook Page.
FBI Podcast: FBI Asking for Tips
Vito Roselli: No activity on either cell phone, no bank account activity, pretty much fell off the face of the Earth, along with the pickup truck.
Read the transcript from the FBI’s Podcast Page
FBI Push for Information in 2005 Disappearance of Couple

Investigators have again turned to the public for help as they build on what they describe as new information found in the case of a couple who vanished from a Philadelphia bar a decade ago. The FBI on Wednesday released new electronic billboard messages and a video on its website in an effort to generate leads in the disappearance of Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone Jr.
More from 6 ABC Philadelphia
New FBI Push To Solve Imbo Petrone Disappearance
More from CBS Philadelphia