Show all | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005This is a sad story. Both seem like great people. My prayers are with the families and I hope there is a break in the case someday soon.
Patrick, Sunday, February 23, 2025
Thinking of you today- we will never let you out of our thoughts. Missing you.
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Friday, February 21, 2025
Happy Birthday Richard!
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, August 29, 2024
I read this story. I'm sad the families are still dealing with this after all these years. It's baffling how no one really knows what happened. Could there have been a closer look at the surveillance or cameras? Could the investigators have looked harder into the victim's estranged husband? Who knows, but it's sad to see how this tragedy prevented a father from seeing his daughter get married or a mother from seeing her son grow up. I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ you'll get the answers and resolution you need even if the ending won't be as happy as you wanted. God bless.
Dee Wilkins, Sunday, March 3, 2024
Always on my mind and in my prayers.
Enrico Ballezzi, Sr, Monday, February 19, 2024
Happy Birthday, dear Richard. I hope you are happy up there! Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Tuesday, August 29, 2023
18 years of missing you...we are all thinking of you at this time of the year...we love you and hope that you are happy where you are...we will always hold you in our hearts.
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Monday, February 20, 2023
Always thinking of Richard. Praying.
Enrico Ballezzi, Sunday, February 19, 2023
Today makes it 18yrs Sending prayers to both families that they get some closure to what happened to this beautiful couple. I'm praying the Lords Prayer for them
Yolanda Bush, Sunday, February 19, 2023
I recently saw an episode of Disappeared about this unsolved mystery. I pray this mystery comes to an end soon so that the families get answers, justice and peace. I can't imagine the pain the parents & siblings feel. If someone out there knows anything, please tell what you know because you will never find peace like the families of the missing have no peace.
Maria, Monday, November 28, 2022
Thinking of you Richard at this time. We will never forget you. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Tuesday, August 30, 2022
there were 2 murder for hire scams going on in philly area at about that time ,only one group was arrested ,the other went cold.was there any proof this case was involved?reasons?
bob rogers, Tuesday, May 24, 2022
hello, can i ask if there still missing. i'm watching the show on tv
rick, Friday, April 22, 2022
This is a thesis or hypothesis outside the box thinking , ,,,I saw an adventures with purpose recovery just off I-95 today, got me thinking again about this case. My question is has anyone searched the rancoucous River? With sonar ? And any other deep bodies of water past her house? I know the routes home were looked at but what if they made an extra stop Past her place that night out and drove into that river ? There was a bar there too,,,,right near that river according to Google research by her house. also this thesis would also be for if someone was waiting for her when she got in that night and they dumped car in water post harming them . I think all bodies of water should be searched just past her house from Philly for accident purpose or foul play purposes Just thoughts outside box thinking . If it was premeditated coulda dumped car in rancoucas river . Looking at drone footage it looks like there’s many spots off that river to dump a car off into river
Steve, Sunday, March 20, 2022
Dearest Richard, Thinking of you today and always. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie, Thursday, February 24, 2022
Another year has passed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.
Bill Kelly, Saturday, February 19, 2022
Rich & Danielle and the family are on my mind and in my prayers daily.
Enrico Ballezzi, Sr, Saturday, February 19, 2022
When people AND their vehicles go missing it is often due to a car accident, particularly into water, where the vehicle sinks and seemingly vanishes off the face of the Earth.There are several groups of amateur divers who are rapidly solving such cold cases all over the USA - some of them decades old! Were there any rivers, ponds or creeks along their route home?? If they were at a bar and oossibly impaired on their drive home, it is worth a look. These teams work for free. They scan likely bodies of water on the missing person’s route with sonar most police depts do not have looking for cars. They will then dive the site to see if the vehicle matches. Check out Adventures With Purpose, Chaos Divers and Exploring With Nug. I hope you find your loved one. Blessings and prayers.
helaina hinson, Wednesday, February 2, 2022
I just watched the case on Disappeared. Here in my country it happened a similar case but the ex husband was arrested being the person who hired the hit men. He did not want to give his ex the children's custody and was not satisfied with his ex having a new relationship. I don't think police there or the FBI did a good job investigating because they let time pass and the case (and the leads) went cold. First thing they should have done was to REALLY investigate Danielle's ex husband. It doesn't matter if he was in a family party and had an alibi - that may not have prevented him to plot a crime. Also... he moved states! (That screams GUILTY.) That might have been something that he wanted before - to take his son away to North Carolina, while he was still a baby, but Danielle would never allow it back then... There are so many motives that put her ex husband and the ONLY person who might have wanted they both gone. Did the police find out why did her ex called Richard several times? Did they find out if he threatened Richard in anyway during those several calls that they made for each other?! Maybe that's why she asked for time in the 5 previous weeks before their last date. Maybe her ex was the real reason, maybe she was trying to protect Richard... Why her ex did not take a polygraph test?!?! It is so disturbing that the police focused on the wrong direction. I am very sorry for both families! I will put them both in my prayers.
Anonymous, Friday, January 14, 2022
Multiple stories the last few years about people who drove into bodies of water And weren’t found for decades,this one yesterday
Patrick, Sunday, October 31, 2021
I am based in UK i saw this hear breaking documentary about the couple Richard & Danielle on US crime channels on cable here in London It must be so distressing for his family and friends that 16 years has passed now , they are no closer to the truth what happened to them. We all know that "FOUL PLAY" was involved in there disappearance, What i don't understand year 2005 after visiting a bar on Philadelphia's South Street. having a good night out with friends after leaving the bar both of them vanish in thin air AND NO ONE SAW NOTHING !!!! This happened in the millennium years not the 1980's , South Street is full of restaurants, clubs you name it full of entertainment. You ae telling me no cameras what so ever of any establishment on that street pick up any image of the couple heading towards Richard's car. We don't know if they took a left or a right or cross the street ??? . It sounds so weird. I hope the family and friends get the answers they deserve what happened to beloved Richard,
Joy Brown, Friday, October 15, 2021
Very sad for both families. From what I gather, Richard & Danielle’s date was last minute. Since there is no cell tower information, is it possible that Richard wanted to go by his place and pick up some things before going to Mt. Laurel? If so, might they have taken a different bridge from there? Might be worth running sonar if that is the case. God Bless the families & Law Enforcement.
Jack Dee Jordan, Friday, September 24, 2021
Happy Birthday! Will always remember your birthday - you will never be forgotten. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Sunday, August 29, 2021
Happy birthday my son. Time has not dimmed the smile nor aged the face. Love Dad
Richard Petrone, Sunday, August 29, 2021
Remembering you very fondly. Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Bill Kelly, Monday, February 22, 2021
I am remembering Richard today. Life does get in the way but the loss of you never gets old. We love you and even though it has been 16 years your personality is still fresh in our hearts. Missing you, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Sunday, February 21, 2021
Always in our hearts, thoughts and prayers
Marian Kelly, Friday, February 19, 2021
Always in our hearts. Always in our prayers.
Diane Price, Friday, February 19, 2021
Another year of not knowing where Richard and Danielle are.......May Our Lord be with both of them and give strength to their families in their 16th year of searching!
Alyce Patrone Penna, Friday, February 19, 2021
Always in our hearts and prayers.
donna valente, Thursday, February 11, 2021
Dear Richard, just a belated note to you to let you know that I am thinking of you and wanted to say Happy Birthday. Love you always, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Wednesday, September 2, 2020
As someone who lost a daughter at age 24 I know pain. While you are left wondering where your loved ones is the pain must be the same. I urge you to not let anger a stage of grief to separate your family from the Imbo family. Share memories & comfort each other.
Mary E PHELPS Kilbride, Friday, August 28, 2020
Happy Birthday Richard. Keep watching down on friends and family. You are missed.
Diane Price Meyer, Thursday, August 27, 2020
I hope there is search using sonar, not near the bridges but at access ramps along the river. That husband set it all up. That truck is in the river. I hope it is found soon. The truck has not been found because it is in the river somewhere. I think it would be closer to her house since someone would sit and wait for them. Or if They were followed it would be in a non,conspicuous area. Keep looking in the water.
Lee, Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hello. First of all I would like to express my deepest sympathy for your family. I have followed this case but do not know your family personally. It’s pretty obvious that your son and his friend did not just drive off the road or that this was a random act. I believe that you all and law enforcement would like to say more but are not able to at this time! I want to encourage you all to stay strong and never give up hope for answers as with other cases that were solved after dinner time. But I do want to say to whomever has even the slightest knowledge of people or actions in this case, remember you have to look in the mirror everyday and you’re just as bad as the people who committed this crime just by your silence alone! Please reveal what you know even if you want to stay anonymous for your safety, think about if this was your brother, sister or daughter and you would be just as angry. Continue to love one another and stay close Petrone family.
Anonymous, Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Has anyone thought to search nearby storage units for the truck?
John farris, Sunday, May 3, 2020
I'm watching the Disappeared program on their disappearance. I believe the soon to be ex husband is somehow involved, he had the opportunity, the reason , he had a lot to lose and more to gain. Maybe the witnesses to where he was that night could be re interviewed and have them take a truth test. What was his job,
Coral Stone, Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Dear Richard, thinking about and always will -- especially at this time of the year. you are missed. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, February 20, 2020
15 years of heartaches and sorrow shared by the Petrone and Imbo Families....Remembering Richard and Danielle today....Always in our thoughts and hearts....
Alyce Patrone Penna, Wednesday, February 19, 2020
No trace. I feel so sad for both families. I am reminded twice a year in February and then again in September of this case. My father went missing in September of 2005. In my case my dad was found and I have closure. Not the closure I was looking for, but at least I know what happened. I can't imagine the pain these families have endured these past 14 years and 7 months. I hope they try to embrace everyday and do what makes them happy. It was hard for me to be happy. I know what pain feels like, but not knowing is probably the worst feeling in the world. More attention needs to put forward here. I live a few miles from south street and I'm wondering if Viking bakery is still in Ardmore. Sending my deepest heartfelt hugs to their families. I know exactly what they mean when they say... "I think of them every single day"
C. Weber, Thursday, September 19, 2019
We miss you each and every day - your absence is most felt on days like this. I am wishing for a beautiful shooting star to you in the heavens. Happy 50th Birthday to you, Richard. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Wednesday, August 28, 2019
I wonder when the last time their phones pinged off a tower, and which one?
Shawn, Thursday, June 27, 2019
I feel that this case has not been publicized enough. I have seen the show once and am only really aware or reminded of the case because Danielle was part of my friends band. We need to get more people to see this case. I pray that they are found soon.
Jen, Tuesday, June 25, 2019
i've just watched "Disappeared" on IT it's so scary and sad!! i can't believe what family and friends feel now... i'm so sorry best regards, klaudia from Poland
klaudia, Friday, February 22, 2019
This is such a tragic case. It seems there is so little evidence to go on and must be terribly frustrating. I know all info cannot be disclosed in a TV show but it seems unlikely somebody would attempt to abduct them on a busy road. If they did make it over the bridge, I would be interested to know if her apartment parking lot/area was thoroughly checked. That seems the place to wait if you wanted to find them after they left Abilene's.
Jack Dee Jordan, Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Dear Richard - thinking of you today. Another year has gone by... just know that we love you, that we miss your presence in our lives. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Margie and Rich...February 19th is upon us...Another year of heartbreak, emptiness and despair...May Our Lord continue to give both of you strength until closure is found...May Danielle and Richard be at peace wherever they are...Please know so many share in your sorrow...
Alyce Patrone Penna, Tuesday, February 19, 2019
I have always taken this case into account, it would be imprudent and would provide a false hope without serious information. The best thing is to respect the process of the family. However, I will never stop consulting the sources of information and I will be aware until there is a closure, that it will give them peace.
Martin Menéndez, Thursday, February 7, 2019
I just saw the Disappeared show on Richard and Danielle. I was wondering how far back carfax reports go and if anyone has ever tried running a Carfax report on the vin of the missing truck.
Marilyn Morgan, Monday, January 21, 2019
Prayers and hope are sent to both richard and Danielle's did not deserve what you both got the 19 of feb 2005 , both amazing parents and loving family members you will be missed and praying your case will be solved.
Clara anderson, Friday, January 4, 2019
Watching crime show on Oxygen. I hope someone looked into the possibility it could have been the work of Israel Keyes? This is scary similar. So sorry guys. Know there are thousands out here that will never forget. Law enforcement will figure this out. They always do.
Dino Costanzo, Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Just heard about them on an ID discovery program in Mexico, praying for their return
Jesus Glz, Wednesday, December 19, 2018
I've just watched a document regarding Richard and Danielle case. I cannot even imagine how strong pain feel the families of those two every day. I will pray for all of you and I'm really hope one day you will find out what happened. Regards from Poland, Joanna
Joanna, Wednesday, October 24, 2018
To Richard - Thinking of you today on your birth date. Thinking of you, always. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Only logical explanation is they accidentally drove off the road somewhere on way home. Has every possible route been closely examined?
Janice Bryson, Saturday, March 31, 2018
My wife and I just watched the "Disappeared" episode about Richie and Danielle. I am headed out to church here shortly and will pray you find the answers you deserve. I hate that the two families don't speak over this. From the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best!
James Sasser, Sunday, March 11, 2018
Richard - it does not get easy - time does not heal the wound - we miss you - every day - we will always love you and never ever forget that face. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, February 22, 2018
So today is the anniversary of your sons disappearance. I am so sorry about all this. I am mad this still hasn't been solved. It is long overdue. Your son never got to see the eagles win the super bowl. I am hoping that this case gets solved. I am always keeping your family and Danielle's family in my prayers. I hope you can let your finger pointing aside and actually work together to solve this case. I hoping all of it will be over. Take care.
Derek Nemeth, Monday, February 19, 2018
Danielle and Richard.........Still in the thoughts and prayers of so many.... Please know we pray for closure for your families.........If only some one can come forward..... just one person.......
Alyce Patrone Penna, Sunday, February 18, 2018
Rich and Marge, I have always purchased wonderful things from your bakery in Ardmore. My husband and I are loyal customers. Since the disappearance of your precious son, it doesn't feel the same to me, when I enter your bakery. I feel very sad, wanting to put my arms around both of you. I just want to hug you and tell you, that I think of your son, Richie frequently. As parents, ourselves, we can only imagine the pain in your hearts. You are in our prayers and in our hearts.
Judy Veeck, Saturday, October 28, 2017
Richie & Marge, It's been 35 years since I saw you last. I regret not staying in touch. Looking back, it's clear how important your early influence was in giving me a sense of direction and family values, especially at a time as a teenager when I really needed it. Now, with my own kids expressing similar needs, my brief time with 'Richie, Joe, Marge & Rosemarie at The Bakery in East Brunswick' always gives me a remarkably positive experience to draw from and never fails to make me smile. With that said, Social Networking is a double edged sword that stabbed me in the heart last night when I learned of your tragedy while attempting to research your location. Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss and the pain you endure. My memory of Richard Jr is brief, but no less special. Richie - you'll recall when I was playing hockey with him in the basement of your South Philly home. It was so much fun and I'll always remember it. As a parent, I just can't imagine the pain. As a friend, I wish I could shoulder it, if only for a brief time. To Richie & Marge and all the people who are left devastated by the tragedy of Richard and Danielle, I offer my thoughts and prayers and hope you'll continue to find the strength to carry on in support of your precious children and families. Please accept my deepest felt sympathies... Ken Kancylarz
Ken Kancylarz, Saturday, October 21, 2017
I saw the episode on Disappeared and my heart just aches for you both. As a mother of young children I can't even imagine your pain... I sat and prayed for you last night, Richard's mother, that you somehow can find moments of peace in your daily life. I will continue to pray for you.....
Kelly, Thursday, September 21, 2017
Dearest Richard, Happy Birthday. Especially thinking of you today...and will always think of you. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Lisa decotis, Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Your family will forever be in my prayers. May you find closure, even though it seems impossible. I hope that the exposure from ID brings the answers you are seeking.
Mayra Burns, Thursday, July 13, 2017
I also saw the Disappeared episode about your son, and I am so, so sorry for your loss. Like other posters, I very much hope that you are able to reconcile with Danielle's family, and support each other through a pain that few understand. I pray this new publicity brings answers. Both families are so deserving of them.
Elizabeth McWilliams, Saturday, July 8, 2017
I just wanted to post after watching the episode on the ID channel and was in tears the whole time. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I'm a mother myself and I cannot imagine what you and your family are going through. I am pretty convinced that Danielle's ex husband had something to do with this. It's awful suspicious that he was 50 miles away and on the night he was supposed to have custody of his young son? And now the police are thinking a murder for hire? How convenient? I will continue to keep your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and one day someone will come forward. They usually do.
Rachael, Friday, June 30, 2017
Oooh, I am so terribly sorry for your loss and continuous pain, not knowing, I cannot start to imagine what both your families are going through. I wish and will pray that you do find one day what did happened so you can grieve your loss find some type of closure. I will also pray so both your families can reunite, pain can drive people to desperate measure and your children did love each other.
Vanina Versini, Monday, June 26, 2017
3 or 4 years ago I read about this story and the case moved me from the beginning, I always remember and I think of this couple. Strength for families. Hugs from Brazil.
Anônimo do Brasil, Thursday, June 22, 2017
Just got done watching the ID Channel, I'll be praying for answers for both family's. I live in Sacramento ca, you're story touches my heart from here.
Reyna, Saturday, June 17, 2017
I was watching the ID television program and saw this story. I am so very sorry for both involved.I can only imagine how the "not knowing" must be beyond painful.I am praying for you and hope you have answers sooner than later. God Bless. Kay
Kay, Saturday, June 17, 2017
Someone knows something... two people do not just disappear. This was setup. These two did not have anything in their background that would make you think they were into anything that would have caused them to be murdered! She was getting a divorce. Im almost POSITIVE this is were the truth lies! Follow the links! This smells like her ex-husband might have hired someone to get rid of her...I do not care if he was 50 miles away. To me that is so convient! This happened because someone close to them did this!!! My deepest condolences to the family i just am soooo annoyed that nothing has been done yet to bring this families closure! No way in the world do two people and a huge truck just disappear!!! No way!
Concerned!!, Friday, June 16, 2017
Hello, I just watched your son's story on Disappeared. I'm so incredibly sorry for your pain of the "unknown". During the course of my viewing, one thought continuously ran through my head; the truck must be in a body of water as a result of an accident. It was February. Does anyone know what the weather conditions were that evening? Was there a particularly icy, hazardous stretch of roadway along the course of their intended 25 mile drive? I'm also curious to know if there were any custody issues with Danielle's son at the time of her divorce. Prayers that both families receive the resolution they so desperately need for closure soon.
Andrea, Wednesday, June 14, 2017
It saddens me for both families that this remains unsolved....someone somewhere knows something...probably someone close to either Richard or Danielle....I ache for both families and Angela and Joe Jr...God Bless you all...I feel this was almost definitely planned by someone who might have known they would be together that night....It was heartbreaking to watch this on Disappeared.. I was in tears by the end of the tragic.
HP, Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Watched this last night really mind boggling. The only thing I can think of to ask at this point is has anyone ever considered a Physic? My prayers are with both families, I hope one day you find the answers and I just pray that you will find that answer soon.
Suzi, Monday, June 12, 2017
Just watched the episode of "Disappeared" with your son and his friend on it. I pray that you will get the answers that both of the families need. I also pray that Angels will help and guide both of the families through this tragic time.rnAlso, I think your son is cute. Susan
Susan, Sunday, June 11, 2017
Such an incredibly sad story. I can't help but think the truck went off the road. I think the simplest answer is probably the correct one in this case. Hoping for answers soon.
Amy Hudak, Sunday, June 11, 2017
I just wanted to send hopes and prayers from Niagara Falls, NY. I am so sorry for the grief that you have come to endure and I hope that someday you get some answers. Watching your story on the ID channel saddened me deeply. Forever in my thoughts and prayers!
Ryan Walker, Saturday, June 10, 2017
I just watched your story on id disappeared. I hope and pray that you find your loved ones. it is so sad for all in the family and friends. I know it is hard for law enforcement. that is tough. the story is truly heartbreaking. god, bless you all.
crystal dupree, Saturday, June 10, 2017
Just saw your story on ID Discovery. I hope your families get closure some day. Cannot imagine the pain your families are going through.rn
Jeff, Saturday, June 10, 2017
I remember hearing your story on the news. I pray that wherever you are you are at Peace. I will pray for your family's strength.
Tara, Monday, March 6, 2017
Praying for Rich and the family everyday.
Enrico Ballezzi, Sr., Sunday, February 19, 2017
Richard -- I dread this time of year ... the month and date you were taken from us. I know you are up there watching us day in and day out. That is what I believe. That is what makes me feel good and can live with that thought. Love you always, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Saturday, February 18, 2017
I don't know this couple... But this story has been boggling my mind for years. I think about this couple and I feel a sudden sadness because there is no closure. How can a couple and a truck just vanish into this air? The eerie thing is. I feel like I seen them somewhere before. As soon as the story broke.. I said wow. They look familiar. Hence why I can't get this story out of my head... I am glad I found this page because it comforts me...I feel in my heart since day one that this couple is still alive. I pray they make it home to their friends and family. God Bless.
Ms. Coleman, Saturday, February 18, 2017
Always in my prayers for closure for your family...Gone, but never forgotten...
Alyce Patrone Penna, Saturday, February 18, 2017
Dear Marge and Rich, rnrn Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you with Love.rnThere are no words. I am eternally sad for your loss and know that I think about you both â£rnrnWith Sadness rnAnd love,rnCass,Tom and Matthew Fay
Cass Fay, Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Margie and Rich, as the day comes closer I turn the calendar to March so I don't have to see the date. I can't even begin to imagine what you feel every day. Margie when I saw you at T's funeral you looked so much better and then as we talked I could see the pain take over your face. I feel so inadequate with anything I say. I don't think time heals pain I think you just get used to it. I try to choose to think that Richie and T are now our angels and they want us to know they are with us and try to get some kind of comfort from that and know they are in such a wonderful place and have saved a place for us. Again I sit here and am at a loss at what to say. Just know that there are so many people who's life Richie touched and we will never, ever forget him. I will talk to you on the 19th. Be strong, know that so many others are remembering the wonderful person your son was and feel the comfort of knowing that he is with us every second and watching over us. Love You, Diane
Diane Price, Thursday, February 9, 2017
Dearest Margie, Rich and Angela,nnAs yet another year comes to a close and our prayers have not been answered. It is very hard understanding "Why". We may be down, but we will still hold all of you in our hearts. We will never give up the fight. The answer is out there and sooner or later God will give it to us. I have never been good at waiting, but if that is what God wants then that is what I will do. My hope will always be there and so will my prayers. I will not stop pestering God until this is over. God knows after all that I am a little Irish girl. Put that together with also being a Price and you better watch out. We never let go. My wish for you is to have a healthy and peaceful New Year and remember all of those who carry some of the pain you feel. There are more of us than you know, don't ever feel alone because you never will be.nLove to All.nnDiane Price Meyer
Diane Price Meyer, Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Dearest Margie and Rich,nnI look at Wayne every day and see the pain that will always be there with the loss of Teresa. I hear him talking and can hear the pain in his voice. As it is with both of you, I feel useless that I can do nothing to ease that pain. The only thing that gives me hope is that you feel some sort of peace knowing that Richie and T. now have each other and are watching over all of us. As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you daily.nnLove You,nnDiane
Diane Price Meyer, Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Nov 9-I just finished watching the "Vanished" episode for the first time. I share grief for both your families. I will sometimes get a word, or visualization with a traumatic event. Both "triangle" & /_\ shape popped into my head. I don't know what that means, but it may, to one of you. God bless all of you.
Diane Morrell, Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Dear Richard and Margie,nn Wanting to wish Richard a Happy Belated Birthday .nnA life gone toooo soon .My prayer for you is that you will find peace .â¤ï¸nnWe keep Richard alive by talking about him ,just calling his name.nnMay he always be with you 😇,nnMuch Love to you and your Family,nnAlways,nnTom,Cass and Matthew FaynXonnnSo sorry ) 🙁
Cass Fay, Monday, September 5, 2016
I have fond memories of Richie growing up as young boys & playing hockey together for the Gladiators on the same team. You could always count on Richie to crack a joke or the first one to congratulate a teammate on a scoring play. I've continued to follow this case from afar, however, I often think about you Richie. I hope & pray we can one day find the monster(s) responsible for taking Richie from us. My prayers go out to Mr. & Mrs. Petrone who have always been so kind to me & my family. I will continue to pray for you. Love,nSam Gross
Sam Gross, Monday, August 29, 2016
Happy birthday my dear son. Not a day passes without thinking about you. Your grandson is growing bigger and stronger every day and you would be so proud of him.
Richard Petrone, Sunday, August 28, 2016
Richard - thinking of you today on your birthday. You are never far from my thoughts. Just wanted to say “hello†to you on your birth date. Love you always,rnRosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Sunday, August 28, 2016
Dearest Richard and Family, My thoughts, hopes, and prayers go out to you everyday.Please remember that many people want Richard and Danielle to come home.I pray to God to help you, give you strength and sustain you.I know that God sees everything and you will get Justice for Richard and Danielle someday.It's just cruel and a slow torture that someone knows what happened and they won't tell the police.How can they sleep at night? Whoever did this is wicked and evil, and they will be punished for it.May God be with you everyday and may Richard and Danielle finally come home.Much Love and Prayers Always, Delilah
Delilah Mason, Sunday, June 19, 2016
You may remember me a friend of yours from St Joe's. My fiance Marie and I visited you in South Philly and met your wife Marge and the baby, Richard Jr. sometime after graduation. Last time we saw each other if memory serves was at your bakery in South Jersey. At the time my family and I were living in Marlton. Woke up yesterday around 3am and for some reason was thinking about you. Rich you were one of the nicest most thoughtful and considerate guys I ever met and for you to be facing such a terrible situation tragedy is just unimaginable. I am praying that someone comes forward to solve this crime and gives you a chance to heal in the near future. Your dear friend Gary.
Gary Marr, Saturday, March 5, 2016
Gone, but never forgotten...Forever in the thoughts and hearts of so many...Richard, watch over your family...Please give them closure in some way...
Alyce Patrone Penna, Thursday, February 18, 2016
Dearest Richard: Woke up today and you were right there in my thoughts. I think of you and I picture you in beautiful surroundings (heavenly like). You are always shining brightly. You are at peace. We all love you and you will be in our hearts forever. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, February 18, 2016
Dearest Marge Rich and Family,rnrn On this heartbreaking anniversary my thoughts and prayers are always with you,I pray for closure for you and your family.And that your Dear Sweet Richard warmth surround you always.rnrnAlways With Love,rnrnCass,Tom,andMatt FayrnrnXxxooo
Cass fay, Sunday, February 14, 2016
Dear Marge & Rich,rnI wonder if you have ever tried contacting the Long Island Medium? I know you must have had a million psychics involved, but she always seemed authentic to me. I have followed your son's case from day one. I am from So. philly. I offer you my deepest condolences on the loss of your precious son and his lovely friend. May God Bless and keep you as he holds you in the palm of his hand.
Dianna, Tuesday, December 29, 2015
sorry to see that nothing has been done and a friend that help they was beat and he lost everything over helping somebody. maybe the police should look at thing that happen in Middletown and in Albany around that time. he was taken to Albany med and we know his family and ex had something to do with it but nothing has been done about that!sorry for your lose.
bruce willams, Monday, September 14, 2015
Dearest Marge,Rich and Family,rnwords cannot express the sadness that is felt for you and your family. The loss of your beautiful son Richard is monumental, the heartache is always with you. Please know that our thought are with you on the anniversary of your special sons 46th birthday. 46 years ago God gave you a beautiful gift may Richard continue to be close to your heart forever,rnWith all our Love,rnCass, Tom, & Matt xo
Cass Fay, Saturday, August 29, 2015
Dearest Richard, I just read your Dad's amazing note to you and I too want to say that my thoughts and prayerful wishes are with you on your 46th birthday. I too hope you are at peace and looking down upon your family with love and gratitude. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, August 27, 2015
Some days you just pop in my head and I think about how much I miss you.
Jimmy Hartman, Monday, May 18, 2015
Dear Petrone Family, I am now watching the program Save My Bakery and was so saddened to hear about your son. I am a mother of two daughters and can not imagine how horrible this must be and how it never seems to go away or get better like people tell you. Please don't give up. I promise you I will pray to Saint Jude for you tonight and keep you in my prayers forever. All of you need to be the support system for your granddaughter. She seems to be a little firecracker and has a lot of spirit and with her and all the new changes coming your way I hope that everything goes well with your Bakery and you stay in business and keep passing it down generation to generation. Again, my heart felt condolences for all your pain. Please hang in there and don't stop praying. God works in mysterious ways and if you don't give up you have a reason to keep going every day. God bless you all and give you the peace of mind and closure that you are seeking. Sincerely,Lenore
Lenore Croce, Thursday, April 30, 2015
I am a South Jersey native and moved back to South Jersey for about 6 months back in 2005, shortly after the disappearance. I check the website a few times a year and I always hope one day news will break there is information on what happened. I cannot imagine the feelings both families must have. My heart goes out to both families. Sending positive vibes to you all.rnrnJulie
Julie Wagner, Sunday, March 22, 2015
To Richard Petrone's family,rn I've never gone to a website like this. I never forgot about your story since it began, never stopped thinking about the families,the children robbed of their parents. It's tragic and infuriating to the public, for you it is inhumane torture. If only people caring was powerful enough to move this mountain - I wish it could be done. Richard is almost exactly my age, I think of my kids and parents - my heart breaks for you. It doesn't fix anything, but please know there are those of us who think of you and wish you love and courage. rn Kristin
Kristin, Sunday, February 22, 2015
This story touched my heart ten years ago. Over the past ten years I have thought about this story many, many times- it has never left my mind. Over the past ten years I have never forgotten their names or faces or their families and all the hurt those who loved Richard and Danielle go through on a daily basis still today. As this uncomfortable anniversary rears it's ugly head another year- please know there are so many like me that are praying for your families to find the peace that you all deserve and need so much! Always in my heart, Emily
Emily, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I'm encouraged by the recent news that Richie's case has been reopened. Anyone that knew him knows what really happened. Richard was a family man all the way. He would have never deserted his family, friends and most important, his daughter Angela who he loved more then anyone in the world. He had more friends then anyone I ever knew and I was blessed to be one of them. rnJustice will be served.rnrnLove, Chris
Christopher F, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
There is a saying "Time Heals All Wounds". I disagree. The wounds are still there. We are thinking of you today, Richard. We will never forget. I love you, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Whether its 10 years or 3,652 days ago, it feels like yesterday when this nightmare happened. Searching for you in woods, along rivers and in fields in this cold February weather. Trying to gather photos of you and make a tribute video because I didn't know what to do with myself in my private time of despair. Confused, frustrated and saddened, not knowing where you were or what happened. Following the advice of psychics because the FBI was turning up nothing. It still makes no sense to this day. The people that know and love you will always know that it was not your choice to leave this world. What an evil senseless act, for anyone to decide to end someone else's life, and get away with it. The only consolation, is that if I can remember that horror so vividly, I can also remember the great times we had as well. You were such a good man, father, son, cousin, uncle and best friend. I always be grateful for the gift of your friendship...and no one can ever take that away.rnrnI love and miss you, my buddy.rnTP
Tom Pelle, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I sit here with my fingers on the keys willing them to type something that will ease your pain. They fail me. As I read over the posts from previous years and now the new ones I am filled with such anger and sorrow that it tests my faith. I know this is all God's plan but it makes no sense to me. All I can do is continue to pray and hope he will answer. My heart hurts for you today and everyday.
Diane Price Meyer, Wednesday, February 18, 2015
i used to work at gillanes restaurant basically right next door from viking pastries. i was a few years younger then richie but became pretty friendly. he was really friendly with all the guys that worked at gillanes when i worked there. actually ended up goin to a couple of shows together cause of similiar taste in music. he was a very sweet, cool, funny guy but what i most remember about him which stayed with or without this tragedy was an image i saw many times of him walking his daughter into the shop or i believe if my memory serves me he had a place on top of the shop. he would have his hand on her back and he always came across to me as such a loving father. i didnt know richie in any real personal way but he struck me as a man of character and talented too. my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends and loved ones.
chris connell, Sunday, February 15, 2015
Dear Rich and Marge and Family,rnrn Just wanted you to know we are thinking about you on this rnrnvery sad day ; Grief cannot be shared ..Everyone carries it arnrnalone, His own burden, His own way ...rnrn Always With Love,rnrn Cass,Tom, and Mattrnrn xoo
cass fay, Sunday, February 15, 2015
I was moved to tears this evening when I was on 202 and saw this couple show up on the billboard. Then tonight on the news. I think of them often and pray that they will be found. My prayers are with your families, I pray this will all be solved. Yours in Christ, JoAnne.
JoAnne, Sunday, February 15, 2015
I have followed this mystery from the first time I heard it on the news in 2005. It is beyond the scope of belief and understanding.rnTo both families I send to you my heartfelt sympathy. I have never been nor ever will be one to understand the evil deeds of others. I hope you continue to be strong and believe the answer is out there somewhere. I send to you my warmest thoughts and hope you find answers and peace.
C Sharpe, Monday, February 9, 2015
My heart aches for your family. Sending hugs and prayers from Illinois!rn
Debbie (Mathus) Brumley, Monday, February 9, 2015
With sadness in my heart for Margie and Richard, who have to go through this nightmare on earth....Prayers going up every day for closure for the Petrone and Imbo Families...Justice will be done...keep Hope in our hearts...Our Lord will see this through...
Alyce Patrone Penna, Monday, February 9, 2015
I haven't been on much of this past year. I suppose I didn't have too much to say. We took a ride on august 29th to Asbury Park. Just your Mom and I. We strolled the boardwalk and watched the ocean. Had some lunch. Shed some tears. Remembered that day you came into our lives. We still miss you so.
Rich Petrone, Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Rich and Margie,rnJust wanted to let you know we are all thinking of you and our prayers continue for Richie and your family. May you have a peaceful holiday season. Love to all of you.
Diane Price Meyer, Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Just thinking of Rich today.
Jim Taylor, Thursday, October 30, 2014
On Christmas eve 1968 as Frank Borman circled the moon he read from Genesis. Marge opened her stocking and found her diamond ring. We planned to marry at the end of junior year. A few weeks later during semester break of my sophomore year -- surprise-- we found out she was pregnantrn February 15, 1969 we were married. On august 29 I received the greatest gift ever. You were born. And what a gift you were. Just 13 months later your sister came into our lives. She was perfect.rn I return to those days more and more. My thoughts seem to turn backward. I miss you so.
Richard petrone, Monday, September 8, 2014
Emptiness. Sometimes I crawl in and can't get outrnAll my life I had tomorrowsrnA chancernA new dayrnA new beginningrnIt will soon be ten years
Richard petrone, Monday, September 8, 2014
Wishing Richard a happy birthday in heavenrnrni know your light is shining on your familyrnrnits shines ever so brightrnrnhugs and kisses to you Marge and Rich and the familyrnrnlove rnrncass
Cass Fay, Friday, August 29, 2014
Happy Birthday! Woke up today thinking of you - thinking how your life has been taken away unjustly. I know you are up there celebrating with all your family members and friends. We will never forget you. Love you always, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, August 28, 2014
I remember seeing a photo of Richard and Danielle at the Padre Pio shrine in NJ about 6 years ago. While I am not a devoutly religious person, I do believe in the power of Padre Pio's healing. I have never forgotten Richard and Danielle's story and your family's insufferable pain. May God grant you all the peace that you deserve amid this heartbreaking tragedy. I will continue to pray for your family and Danielle's. Though it is sometimes impossible to see it believe, God truly is good. Love and positive thoughts to all of the Petrone Family, and my deepest sympathies for all of your suffering and sadness.
Michelle, Wednesday, August 6, 2014
I continue to pray every night that Rich, Marge and Angela will find peace and that God has taken Richie and Danielle into heaven with him.
Diane Price Meyer, Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Hello, I just saw the episode on "Missing Persons" show. I am so sorry for both families loss and will say a prayer. Hope you will find out what happened and be able to put this to rest. Best of luck and God Bless All Of You.rnrnPete CostellornLorain, Ohio
Pete Costello, Saturday, July 26, 2014
I read about the case this morning, in Philadelphia magazine I'm from South Philly myself. I read it, right away. I can't imagine what you and the family go through every day all these years, as a mother and grandmother, my heart goes out to you, and your son is now in my prayers, they both are! I can't begin to understand what happened! But you don't disappear by yourself! Some one knows, that someone, will never come forward, it's the motive, that baffles me, WHY, god bless you all, Francesca Grimaldi
Francesca Grimaldi, Tuesday, May 13, 2014
I'm sure the estranged husband was investigated?
jm, Saturday, March 22, 2014
When will they arrest Danielle's ex husband in this case. So obvious he hired a hit on this couple. God Bless them both and the families for their continuous sadness. Hopefully soon an arrest will be made.
Frances Stevenson, Sunday, February 23, 2014
I think its terrible that it took 9 years for the FBI to get off there ass’s. There pics should have been on the billboard a long time ago. I don’t know either one of the kids but I do remember the case. I think it was a pick-up truck they never found that either. I pray for there return.
Dave Lynch, Friday, February 21, 2014
Dearest Richard --- another year has gone by. You will always be in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. I know you are shining down on your family as so many good things are happening. Just know we all love you. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, February 20, 2014
Little Rich, rnrnYou will always be in my heart, I say a prayer for you everyday. I truly feel you are in that heavenly place. I'm not a man of many words so its hard for me to express what I really feel. I will get to see you someday and then I'll hug you and tell you what you meant to me.rnrnLove you always,rnrnJoe
Joe Bonavitacola, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Please always have Hope for their return, as without Hope, we have nothing! May Our Lord shine His radiance on Richie and Danielle, as well as their families! God be with all of you on this rememberance day!
Louis and Alyce Penna, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Did not know Richard but I just watched his story on Vanished with Beth Holloway! What a tragic event! I hope one the family may have closure, and their hearts may begin to reheal! I pray that God continues to be with your family!
Jassima mosley, Tuesday, February 18, 2014
I wish this date didn't have to forever be a reminder of the day we lost you, bud. We have no choice in this matter, like something etched in stone. Like many other days of the year for me, it is a day of reflection. It's hard to do, but I try not to reflect on the horror of what happened since I have no control over that, but instead reflect on all that was great about you, my friend. I was happy to visit this site and see some new photos that I hadn't seen before. It felt like a chance to see you again in some way,..the only way that I can. I'll continue to think of and speak to you often, and will always remember the friendship we had. Forever in my heart and mind, buddy.rnrnYour pal,rnTP
Tom Pelle, Tuesday, February 18, 2014
I can't believe it has been nine years. I think of you often. Jimmy and I miss you so much. We talk about you all the time. We know that you are watching over all of us, and that you are still a part of every milestone that we encounter. Nine years seems like such a long time, but February 19 feels the same no matter how much time goes by. Love you.
Rachel and Jimmy, Tuesday, February 18, 2014
I just wanted to let you know that I just read an article written by the courier pst on face book. I hope and pray that one day you will have answers. I'm from south Philly which is local to South Street. It got really bad around that time. There were gangs called wolf packs. They robbed myself ad a friend around 1 :00 leaving a bar. Just thought I should mention it. Prayers for your families. Take care, Karen White
Karen White, Sunday, February 16, 2014
To My dear Dear friends,rnrn No words can ever express :(rnrn I think of you often ,i think of Richard and his larger than life persona..What a beautiful person.rnrnnow im happy to see him live on in his beautiful Grandson rnWhat a gift from god he is;rnrnWarmly With Love,rnrnThe Fay's
Cass Fay, Saturday, February 15, 2014
I didnt know Richard but worked with Danielle! I cant begin to understand your pain but i have lost my parents and i know how that hurts my heart. I wish and hope that someday you have closure. None of this made sense to me when it happened and i still do not understand how 2 people and a large vehicle goes missing and not a single clue! Just wanted to say my thoughts hopes and prayers are with both families and congrats on your grandson.
Claudia Brodzik, Saturday, February 15, 2014
I just watched Richard and Danielle's story on "Vanished" with Beth Holloway. It really tugged at my heartstrings! I was hoping to find a better outcome when I looked online for an update. I wish the saying "time heals all wounds" was true, but after going through a similar experience I know it is not. I will keep your families in my prayers and pray that the angels keep Richard and Danielle in their light. God bless you all
Kristina Marie, Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Though I don't know either of u I do know your both someone's son and daughter someone's brother and sister mother and father my heart goes out to the families and I pray to St Anthony that they be found soon. Such a heartache. Please don't give up the faith
Rosemarie, Wednesday, December 11, 2013
I wrote once before wish i could have came to this site and seen some good news, but sadly that isn't the case i cant believe its been 8 years now! I keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that one day your son will be returned to you.
Gina Camillo, Friday, October 25, 2013
Dear Richard,rnrnRemembering you on your 44th birthday. I will never forget you, your glorious smile and funny demeanor. Always fun to be around and never a dull moment with that sparkling personality. I hope you are happy and at peace where you are. Some day I will be up there with you ---finally getting to see you again. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Eternity. Always was always would be. Time with no beginning and no end. And we are simply grains of sand. But for a brief flicker we come alive. We matter to some. We play a part in these dreams we call life. The length of time we are here doesn't matter. It is but an instant. But in that instant lies all that life has for us. All the joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure. All the people we know and love. All the people we helped to create. All the things we do to make to make each day our own. All the little things we did in all the uncounted minutes of our lives. These are the things that count. These are the things that those of us who are still here remember.rnrnrnrnrn
Richard Petrone, Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I remember when this first happened. I still to this day think of them from time to time and do a quick Google search hoping to see they have found them. I have heard of many cases in the news and for whatever reason this one stuck with me. Maybe because Danielle had a young son like I do or maybe because I lost my Dad at a young age like Richard's daughter is dealing with. I still pray that some closer will one day be found.
Carol Smith, Monday, August 26, 2013
I never knew the couple but every now and then I think of them and pray they're found,
Deb, Saturday, July 20, 2013
My thoughts and prayers are with you, I read this in 2005 and thought how horrible , I always prayed that they would be found and now , 8 years, still nothing. All I can do for you is pray, but now that you have 2 beautiful angels that will never leave your hearts.
Janice Kraemer, Sunday, March 17, 2013
Remembering you both in prayer!!!!!!!
Louis and Alyce penna, Wednesday, March 6, 2013
To the Petrone Family,rnrnPlease know that I am thinking of you all at this time and always. This is such a sad time for so many good people. Keep the faith and know that you, Richard, and Danielle are never forgotten. Be well my friends and I wish you peace.
Tim Cooney, Monday, February 18, 2013
Dearest Richard - Today will always be a rough, tough day to get through but I will never ever forget you -- remembering you, your family, your smile, your laugh and your exhuberance for life.rnrnLove, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Monday, February 18, 2013
It seems like yesterday or maybe it seems like 100 years .hard to believe that you have been gone 8 yrs.rnrnmy prayers for you and your family is PEACErnrnMarge,rich and familyrni think of you guys all the timernprayers your way
Cass and Tom Fay, Wednesday, February 13, 2013
And now we have to make sense
Out of the senseless
Everyday life carries us along
But someday someone has to pay
They have to answer for their acts
And I don't mean some final judgement day
But here and now
On this earth and in this life
You left a life unfinished
You left a song unsung
Memories to be made
Stories to tell
A Grandson to raise
There were fish to catch
And balls to throw
Pucks to shoot
And girls to love
There was music to hear
And concerts too
Sunrises and sunsets to toast
And marvel at their beauty
Christmas mornings to open the gifts
You put so much thought in
All that and more is gone
Somewhere there's an answer
Somewhere there's a reason
And a person
Who put a plan in motion
Richard Petrone, Wednesday, February 6, 2013
I wish I could put in this message what I feel in my heart but thats impossible. I love you and think about you everyday.You will always have a huge place in my heart. Love,rnJoe
Joe Bonavitacola, Monday, February 4, 2013
I think of this couple all the time I just don't understand why an arrest hasn't been made? Someone has to know something! Can't 48 hours or one of these crime shows bring this case back to life? It is just the saddest thing. I feel Danielle's husband is behind this and poor Richard just happened to be there. I feel so bad for both families. With Facebook reaching millions maybe a post could be made featuring their story. I just wanted you to know they have not been forgotten. I pray for them all the time.
Frances S., Thursday, January 31, 2013
How long have I been sleeping
How long have I been lying to myself
Waiting for someone else to do justice
Wanting someone else to do the dirty work
Every day I rise and fall
I try and I fail
I push and push and push
Looking for answers
Sometimes I wonder
Were you ever really here
There's no urn with your ashes
No marker for your bones
Just a box of cd's and ticket stubs
And every card you ever sent me
Memories of a life
Well heaven's no closer
And the angels are older
As I stare out at the ocean in Asbury Park
Another birthday, another wasted year
Time is running out
A reckoning awaits and
Heaven and hell are just around the corner
You were in love with the night
The magic and the music
But you forgot what our old friend said
You forgot the lurker
The thief in the night
He stole your dreams when he stole your life
Someday I'll forget about you
As soon as my heart stops breaking
As soon as forever is through
Rich Petrone, Monday, January 28, 2013
may your soul not be restless...may it have found the peace that you are so loved ...and so missed.....merry christmas little always aunt lisaxoxoxo
aunt lisa, Sunday, December 23, 2012
These two individuals are still in my thoughts and prayers.
Nylo, Tuesday, November 27, 2012
I agree Elle! it defies logic.. Im sure this case would be solved, I follow as well. The truth always prevails and the families will be given peace..! We see it time in and time out, All you need is the one big break and its coming. Blessings and prayers to the families.rnHistory shows in cases like this, the victim(s) knows their killer(s) or the killer(s) was hired by someone that knows the victims.
quinton, Sunday, November 4, 2012
I have followed this case from the day they disappeared. I check online often and have made suggestions to the SP. I did not know Richard or Danielle but at the time I was working for a newspaper and the story was big and stayed with me to this day. It is one I will never let go of. Last night I woke up with Danielle on my mind. I don't know why so this morning I checked to see if the case had progressed. I see it has not. How do two adults and a vehicle disappear without a trace? It almost defies logic yet it points to a well planned abduction.rnrnThere are no words I can say to ease the pain your family endures every single day. I am sorry for the loss to the families and the children of Richard and Danielle and I still hope for that miracle.
Elle Jillian Brontee, Sunday, October 14, 2012
Dear Marge, Rich and the Petrone family,rnMy thought and Prayers go out to you today and every dayrnwishing all peace in there souls, words could never express the feeling that i want to say please know i think of you all birthday wishes go out to richard on his 43rd birthdayrnit was a special day when he was born...a beautiful person came onto this planet...he had so much to share with all.rnLove and xxxoooornCass, Tom and Matt Fayrn
cass fay, Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Remembering you today -- the day you were born. Happy Birthday, Richard. Think of you all the time and still can picture your face smiling away at something or other. Say hello to my brother (Joebay) up there with you in heaven.rnLove, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Happy Birthday buddy. It's your birthday week and Bruce is coming to town for 2 shows. What a perfect week it would be if you were only here. I know I'll feel you in the air this weekend and will think of you often, as I always do. While I think of so many things I'd like to say to you, Bruce always says it best. For you, my brother.rnrn"Now the hardness of this world slowly grinds your dreams away, makin' a fool's joke out of the promises we make.rnAnd what once seemed black and white turns to so many shades of gray. We lose ourselves in work to do and bills to payrnAnd it's a ride, ride, ride, and there ain't much coverrnWith no one runnin' by your side my blood brother.rnrnOn through the houses of the dead past those fallen in their tracks. Always movin' ahead and never lookin' backrnNow I don't know how I feel, I don't know how I feel tonightrnIf I've fallen 'neath the wheel, if I've lost or I've gained sight. I don't even know why, I don't know why I made this call, or if any of this matters anymore after all. But the stars are burnin' bright like some mystery uncoveredrnI'll keep movin' through the dark with you in my heart, my blood brother."rnrnMiss and love you, budrnTP
TP, Tuesday, August 28, 2012
oh very young what will you leave us this time...your only dancing on this earth for a short while...and though your dreams may toss and turn you now...they will vanish away like your dad's best jeans...denim blue...faded up to the sky...and though you want them to last forever you know you never will...and the patches make the goodbye harder still...oh very young what will you leave us is time...they'll never be a better chance to change our mind...and if you want this world to see better days...will you carry the words i will love you..will you?...will you ride the great white bird into heaven...and though you want to last forever you know you never will...and the journey makes the goodbye harder still..."cat stevens" every other day...i wish that your soul and spirit are at eternally young and beautiful nephew...luv aunt lisa xoxox
aunt lisa, Monday, August 27, 2012
Hello Rich, Marge and Christine, we think of you all often and will never forget that day. Out thoughts and prayers are with you all and will keep praying for justice to be served and questions to be answered. Richie always loved my dad, you all did. I miss him very much too. I remember the get togethers at Aunt Roes as young ones and remember visiting the bakery after dad passed and how much Richie would smile at the mention of Joe Bay. Please if you need anything we r here. Elaine Maria Laura Joey and Carlo
maria faragalli saddler, Monday, August 27, 2012
Dear Petrone Family, Every single day my thoughts drift to Rich over something...sports, music, our daughters, baking, but usually it's something I know he'd have found hysterical.I still instinctively reach for the phone to share it with him. Man, I need to hear that laugh! I can only imagine the pain ya'll are dealing with. Well, I'm constantly thinking about and praying for the Family.Hope it helps a little. I just really miss my friend. joe b.
Joseph Binstead, Wednesday, August 22, 2012
I just don't understand it, how could this happen?
Leon Robinson Jr, Sunday, July 29, 2012
There used to be a light for all the world to see
rnA gleam and a sparkle
rnThat sprang from your heart and danced in your eyes
rnAn open window to your soul
rnAlong with your smile and your ready laugh
rnIt was the essence of you
rnFor years I loved that light in your eyes
rnBut now that light's a little dimmer
rnThe sparkle's not the same
rnYour eyes are a bit heavier
rnThey show the price that's paid
rnFor the love of a child.
Richard Petrone, Tuesday, June 26, 2012
I didn't know either Richard or Danielle, but I still - to this very day - do not forget them, their children, their families or friends. I hope and pray that one day this will be answered and you all given the peace that you need. In my thoughts and prayers.
Cheryl, Monday, June 25, 2012
I worked next door to Abiliene's for a few years at Fat Tuesday and remember this story well. Was always a major mystery. I used to love going there and having a few drinks after hours. I always remember hearing rumors about it. I even heard recently that a man from the Port RIchmond area that commited suicide left a note claiming responsibility for this crime. Of course this is just hearsay like all the rest, buts its amazing even to this day people still talk about it. Very bizarre. But I wish everyone connected to these two the best and hope they can get closure soon.
Mike, Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Hi. I posted before a long time back. I can't remember when, but not knowing Richard or Danielle, this still touched me and I think of it time to time. I just wanted to let you know that the 'public' has not forgotten about this either. I will continue to pray. I'm a heads up kind of girl so nothing is impossible to me. rnrnThinking of you always, Family and friends.rnrnWeez.rnLouise BaderrnBroomall, PA
Louise Bader, Thursday, March 29, 2012
Brother usual,I'm up in the middle of the night, thinking of ya'....Man, what I would trade just for one more of your phone hear that familiar "YOOO.."on the other line.Miss you tons, Bro....
Joseph Binstead, Sunday, March 18, 2012
rnrnYoutube search Kiko Come Home. We used Rich's missing poster in a tribute to missing 2 year old Bianca Jones & missing people everywhere. I am sorry for your loss..
KiKo, Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Good morning Richard! I woke up today thinking of you --this time of the year is always so difficult -- so many bad thoughts and memories. But I know you are at peace - I know it. I feel it. You are looking down at us and wanting so to tell your family that you are happy - you are at peace. We love you and miss you - always. rnRosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Sunday, February 19, 2012
Dear Rich and Marge, rnYou and Richard are in my prayers every day. Today is tough, and it's hard to come up with the right words, but there are a lot of people sending you their thoughts, their prayers and their love to you, which matters more than words.rnPlease let me know if there is anything I can do for you.rnWith love from the Ballezzi family.rnRic Ballezzi Srrn
Ric Ballezzi Sr, Saturday, February 18, 2012
Still in our hearts, strong and true. You will live on in our lives and never be forgotten
Rich Petrone, Saturday, February 18, 2012
always on my mind,i remember my granddaughter is 7 yrs old feb 19 is a day i wont forget . prying for you guys .
cousin pat and marylou maiellano, Friday, February 17, 2012
Dear Marge,Rich and family,rnrn Remembering you at this most sad time..always in my thoughts and prayers...rn rn With Love,rnrn The Fays'
Cass and Tom Fay, Thursday, February 16, 2012
Petrone family,rnrnI just saw the story about your son on television and although it's little consolation my heart goes out to you and your family. I will pray for you Mrs. Petrone. Although I live in Ridley Park I had never heard of this case and your story and seeing this happen in a part of the city I love hit close to home. Although a kind word can never take away your pain I hope you find peace. rnrnSincerely, rnrnrnRay Richards
Ray Richards, Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Brother Rich, No matter how much time passes, not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You schooled me on a lot of things I wouldn't have known without you,and I try to copy your infectious spirit toward life. I miss SO MUCH picking up the phone & hearing "YOOO!!".It just sucks that I can't holla at ya'. OK, Grandpa...I know I'll see you one day soon. I'll bring the Crown Royal....
Joseph Binstead, Friday, January 27, 2012
I knew Danielle a little and knew her brother John better. I remember them both as being beautiful people and kind. I never got to know Richard but I do know many people who did know him and I havent heard one negative word about him, even prior to his disappearance. I cant believe that there have not been any answers in this case. I pray very hard that some kind of peace and solace will find both the Petrone and Ottobre families and that someone will come forward and tell the truth about what happened that day.
John Shields, Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sorry, I meant to say great-grandson.
Diane Meyer, Monday, December 19, 2011
Rich and Margie,rnrnRemembering you both at this special time of year. Look at your grandson and find peace that Richard's memory lives on.rnrnDiane Price
Diane Price, Monday, December 19, 2011
My tears are not enough but they are all I have to give not KNOW must be the bitterest root of all. rn
Bill Fedun, Thursday, December 1, 2011
my dear proud you would be on this special day...your baby girl ang has blossomed into a beautiful grown woman...a simply phenomenal mother...and all that any parent could ask for in a child...please continue to watch over and protect her, your wonderful grandson and your incredible family who carry all of the sadness quietly... with grace and dignity...i hope and pray every night and day that your soul is at peace...xoxoxoxoxoxo aunt lisa
aunt lisa, Monday, November 28, 2011
Love fills the spaces you left behind
rnAnd peace like a river flows over the grandson you will never know
rnMaybe there's a heaven but I don't believe in magic
Richard Petrone, Wednesday, November 23, 2011
i saw their story when it first came on the news and it has always stayed with me i cant beleive they are still missing
jason carfagno, Sunday, October 30, 2011
i saw their story when it first came on the news and it has always stayed with me i cant beleive they are still missing
jason carfagno, Sunday, October 30, 2011
I've never met Richard or Danielle, but I remember when they disappeared in 2005 from watching the news and I often think from time to time what happened to that beautiful couple. I send prayers your way and never give up on them. If I had a loved one missing, I would contact Nancy Grace on Headline news. She is relentless and will try her best to get the word out to find them. rnrnTake Care.
Michelle Watson, Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Hey my buddy,rnrnAnother year has passed. Just watched a video of "Say Hello to Heaven" from a Temple of the Dog concert performed a few days ago. Yes, they reunited for PJ's 20th anniversary. I know the song wasn't written about you, but I thought of only you as I watched and listened. I know you were the brightest star shining in the sky that night. There's plenty I'd like to talk to you about. I guess you know that. Football season begins tomorrow. Miss u buddy. Go Bears.rnrnTP
TP, Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I read that today is Richard's 42nd birthday. Happy Birthday. I didn't know Richard or Danielle but I think of this case often. I hope that this is solved for all involved. I often think of the families and children of both Richard and Danielle.
M, Sunday, August 28, 2011
Happy 42nd Birthday to Richard - you will never be forgotten - not for a second. I know you are watching your daughter, Angela, from above. I know you are her "Angel". Your family misses you - not to mention your friends. You will always be in our hearts. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Sunday, August 28, 2011
In Heaven, I am sure you are a happy spirit and that your journey has you seeing your earthly life so differently now. From Heaven, continue to watch over your Mom and Dad, Ang, the baby, your sisters, aunts, uncles and everyone that loved you and help them heal some of the pain. May God and you, help them heal some of the pain.rnhappy b day.rnrnKiss my family. God bless..
Cuzn donna, Sunday, August 28, 2011
Nothing to say
rnEven less to feel
rnThere's no more left
rnFor this sorrow to steal
rnI wish I could have asked forgiveness
rnI wish I could have undone the wrongs
rnAll the silly, stupid, senseless slights
rnThat we carried around far too long
rnNow it's your birthday
rnAnd you're not here
rnI can't find you
rnSo off to Asbury Park
rnThe boardwalk, beach,bars and tears
rnAnd your music, always music
rnWhere I can catch a glimpse of you,
rnBrief and bittersweet but it's the best I can do
rnAt least I know that you'll be there
rnAnd somewhere in those songs I find your sweetness
rnI feel your soul and your sense of joy
rnAt the end of the day I'll have a drink or 3 or 4
rnA toast to my dead son
rnWho lies I know not where
rnI'll sit in the dark, and the silence
rnAnd wait
rnFor judgement day
rnFor the fates to make their play
rnFor justice, for revenge
rnGod...damn you God
rnThis was no way for a good man to go down
Rich Petrone, Saturday, August 27, 2011
Happy Birthday Rich....not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts, on my mind and in my heart. Love forever, Kim
Kim Caiola ( Kelly ), Saturday, August 27, 2011
Happy Birthday richard...we celebrate the day you were born..rnAwesome to u and ur familyrnthe fays'
cass tom matt fay, Friday, August 26, 2011
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and the family of Danielle! This is such a horriable thing!
Deanna, Sunday, July 10, 2011
I am an old friend of Richard. The things that I remember are the Bobby Clarke painting on his bedroom wall, the first person that introduced me to "The Boss", and listening to "The Clash" cassette in his room, which he let me borrow for a while when I moved out of town. When we were older, we saw each other only a handful of times. Whenever we spoke, it just became a chuckle fest about nothing. Like two old friends that never missed a beat.rnA true friend and a wonderful person. He will always bring a smile to my face. God Bless.
Pat Demitrio, Monday, June 27, 2011
today is six years that marks the day that you and danielle dissapeared....why must this society have to endure this...why has it been so long and theres nothing---someone knows something....there allways is---this person(s) needs to be found now. find that vehicle and arrest anyone even near it...shake any and all...rattle them till someone says something..
marc pinkowski, Saturday, June 18, 2011
dawn is breaking. The sky lightens to a pinkish hue. I watch this day begin but the pain in my heart just won't go away and the hole in my heart seems to swallow me. Darkness seems to be all around. But then there is some light that draws me to it. A defiance in the face of dread. An answer to the unanswerable. A yes to the daily regimen of no. An affirmation of life where none can easily be found. It is my son's garden........a place of rare peace and beauty, where the seeds that he planted have grown and flowered in a way that honors him beyond mere words. As I sit in that garden I am surrounded by love and beauty. I can see and feel and touch all the dedication and commitment that flowed from his soul. I can sense all the small moments and daily efforts he put into tending that garden and raising his Angel. His love was not in vain. When I sit in his garden I am swept up in the beauty that has grown there. I am as close to peace as I can be with Angela in the middle of that place. Growing as he hoped she would into a special woman and wonderful mother. And then there is little Timmy.......a lighthouse in a sea of darkness if there ever was one. The joy he has brought us is indescribable. He is love and Joy and sweetness. And then in the middle of it all stands big Tim. Solid as an oak and the protector of his family. Watching them I know my son would be proud of what he left us. It is our obligation, our duty, and our responsibility to honor the efforts of those no longer here. On this father's day I honor you my son for all that you did in the short time you were here with us.
Richard petrone, Saturday, June 18, 2011
May 21, 2011rnrnrnRE: Pennsylvania Missing and Unidentified Persons Clearinghouse PetitionrnrnTo the Family of Richard Petrone, Jr.: rnrn My name is Jennifer Sullivan, and I am writing this letter today on behalf of myself and Miss Kelly Vay. Kelly and I are Forensic Investigators within the city of Pittsburgh, who often find ourselves investigating the cases of missing and unidentified individuals. We have chosen to reach out to you, because you have experienced tragedy in the form of the disappearance of a loved one. May we first start our letter by stating how deeply sorry we are for what you all have gone through.rnrn You may or may not be familiar with how our state currently handles missing and unidentified person cases, but we would like to take a moment to share with you this information.rnrnAccording to Pennsylvania Code 2908, reports filed for a missing child must be handled without delay. Other than this law, our state does not have any other legislature governing how to handle missing and unidentified persons cases involving adults, elderly, or mentally and physically handicapped individuals. Furthermore, our state law enforcement agencies, medical examiners and corners do not have a statewide protocol dictating the investigations of ANY missing and unidentified persons case. rnrnAs investigators, if we discover and unidentified person, there is not a centralized agency that we can contact that will provide us with a listing of all of the missing and unidentified persons in Pennsylvania. Instead, we have to call each, individual law enforcement agency and ask them to submit their missing persons’ cases. In addition, each law enforcement agency lack guidelines that would dictate how to treat the information included in their cases. For example, medical records, dental x-rays, DNA samples, witness statements, evidence, amongst many others, are not required to be obtained, shared or submitted to the proper agencies. We cannot currently cross-reference our unidentified person information with the other cases in the state, because each agency has a different way of handling their information. Because law enforcement officers are forced to work long hours, and are inundated with various types of cases, these particular cases are often not given the attention that they so desperately need. This GREATLY impedes the chances of finding an individual alive, or finding them at all. rnrn Driven by this information, my partner and I began contacting representatives from the federal government, as well as from states that had a solid and effective protocol in place. What we found was amazing! Not only do we have the support of these individuals in implementing a similar program to Pennsylvania, but the services are FREE! Here are just some of what we would like to bring to Pennsylvania missing and unidentified persons investigations:rnrn1. The most advanced DNA testing (Submission on behalf of a family members would take minutes, and results are returned in days!)rn2. A centralized Pennsylvania Missing and Unidentified Persons Clearinghouse, requiring all agencies accept all reports immediately, and work under time constraints for the submission of all pertinent case informationrn3. Constant case review and attention. Cross-referencing will be done on a daily basis.rnrnJust one week ago, my partner and I approached our state representatives and congressmen, and hope to follow-up with a petition reflecting the voices of Pennsylvanians everywhere. If you are interested in signing this petition, we would gladly provide it to you via email, or U.S. mail with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. We strongly urge you to take just a few moments to sign this petition, in an attempt, to make an invaluable change. Arizona has done it! Florida has done it! Arkansas, New Jersey and California too! The citizens of Pennsylvania have the power to pass this into legislation! rn rn We cannot thank you enough for taking the time to review this letter, and would be eternally grateful for your support! If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact us. rnrnSincerely,rnrnJennifer A. Sullivan rn724-797-6354rn rnKelly J. Vayrn443-955-9564rnrnrnrnrnrn“YOU MUST BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD.” – MAHATMA GANDHIrn
Jennifer Sullivan, Friday, May 20, 2011
Dear Petrone and Imbo families, I am originally from Northeast Philly and am currently a Police Officer in Montgomery County, MD. I have known about Richard and Danielle's disappearance since it made the local news back home. I want you to know, that I regularly think about Richard and Danielle, and that I keep a lookout for them on my beat and in my travels from Philadelphia to D.C. Although, it has been six years, I have never forgotten about their welfare. From time to time, I check in with the South Detectives Division, in case any new leads develope. My wife and I often visited clubs and shops along South Street when we were single. So, this "hits home" for me. Please keep your faith alive. I continue to pray for your entire family that Richard and Danielle are located. If there is ever anything I can do to help, please contact me. God Bless!
Officer Steven Pascali, Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Richie and Marge, have been thinking again of your severe loss and just wanted you both to know both that you are in my prayer's during this Easter time and may God continue giving his strength to you as time keeps trying to unlock this mystery. Dan
Danny Bates, Friday, April 22, 2011
I know Springsteen's music was huge for Richard and I recently listened to 'On The Streets Of Philadelphia'. The tenor of this song cuts through your soul, takes you to a place seldom visited in our daily lives but music has a way of giving new life, providing hope and easing pain.rnLiving in CC Philadelphia I visit South Street more than most and when I walk down that street I always see Richard... Smiling.rn"Aint No Angel Gonna Greet Me, It's You and I My Friend..."rnRichard still lives, happily, for all those who knew him and continue to celebrate his memory on these pages. A true kindred spirit forever missed.
Michael Nardi, Thursday, April 21, 2011
I did not know Richard or Danielle. God loves you. He loves your families. From my soul may you and Danielle be blessed. Your story has touched the lives of those who never knew you, but who care and pray you are in peace. We love you. Jesus is taking care of you now. God Bless.
Jillian Durham, Monday, April 4, 2011
I have never met Rich or Danielle, but as a Philadelphian this case has been in my mind and heart since the beginning. I pray that some day there is closure for your families.
Tracey, Thursday, March 17, 2011
Dear Rich and Marge,rnWe are thinking of you and you are in our prayers, not just this weekend, but everyday. rnRic and Diane
Ric Ballezzi Sr, Saturday, February 19, 2011
I wish this day didn't have to be linked to you in this way, buddy. It's so easy to get caught up in everyday living, something many of us take for granted. I wish you had that choice too. Stacey reminded me last night of what day today was. It's a day I don't like to think about. Yet still, if it means having to think about you, then I'll take it. Otherwise, what else do I have? CD's, t-shirts, posters, pictures? Whatever material things I have can't hold a candle to what the essence of your "being" brought to me in life. It was something that was just there...and now it's not. All I truly have that matter now are the memories. I like thinking warm thoughts of you, which I often do. The stuff that makes me smile from ear to ear. I talked to a good friend tonight that I haven't spoken to in a while. He reminds me alot of you. Not in the way he looks or talks, or even in his interests. It's his inner being. It's hard to describe it, but you just know what it is,...that warm, unconditional love, trust and happiness that someone brings to you that you can't put a price on. A bond that can never be broken in life...only in death.rnrnThe only way I can come close to still feeling your essence now in life is through music. And, I'm so very thankful for that. Memories alone are merely thoughts, but when they are blended with the music we shared...ahh, then you are there with me, my friend. And since that is all that I have, then that is what I will take and cherish. So. as I say goodnight to you this night, I play Bruce's Blood Brothers...and you are here with me.rnrnLove and miss you buddy,rnTPrnrnI'll keep movin' through the dark with you in my heart,rnmy blood brother.
Tom Pelle, Friday, February 18, 2011
Dearest Richard, rnrnJust to let you know that you will never be forgotten. I can still see your face, I can still hear your voice and I can still recall your funny stories and sense of humor. No one can take that away. We miss you so much and I just wanted you to know wherever you are that I am thinking of you on this day and always. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Friday, February 18, 2011
dear marge and rich,rnrn today is the day ...i feel so much heartache for yournrnnot only today but each and everyday ...cant imagine the overwheling heartache..rnrni just read big rich's postrnrnforever youngrnrnmay he be forever young in your heart'''rnrnlovernrncass,tom and matt fayrnxxx
cass fay, Friday, February 18, 2011
Richie, you were like my second son and I loved you and today I'm still missing you. To Marge & Rich there are no words to express how I feel, I hope and pray that an answer will come soon.rnrnLove, Diana
Diana Vona (Pantisano), Friday, February 18, 2011
I never missed your smile til it was gone from our sight
rnI never missed your sparkling eyes til they were stolen in the night
rnNow your booming laugh is silenced
rnAnd your mighty heart is still
rnSo much of you seems frozen in space and time
rnAs I look upon your pictures, nothing has changed
rnAs we've grown older, you remain the same; forever young
rnAnd again I am reminded of this song when you were only 5 years old
rnWhich turned out to be true...
rn May you grow up to be righteous
rn May you grow up to be true
rn May you always know the truth
rn And see the lights surrounding you
rn May you always be courageous
rn Stand upright and be strong
rn May you stay forever young
rnBecause of a thief in the night your youth, your future and your life were stolen. rnBut you will still remain forever young and strong and beautiful
rich petrone, Friday, February 18, 2011
I'm leaving my family
rnI'm leaving all my friends
rnMy body's been broken
rnBut my soul is in the wind
rnIt wasn't my choice
rnBut my time's at an end rnrn
Say goodbye to my Angel
rnTell her not to cry
rnMy farewell is written
rnBy the moon in the sky
I left my broken body
rnI left that time and space
rnI live now in your thoughts and dreams
rnAnd your heart's special place rnrn
Remember me
rnYou can't follow me
rnI'm traveling alone
rnJust hold me in you heart awhile
rnTil I find my way home
rich petrone, Friday, February 18, 2011
8-29-10 Asbury Park
rnrnIt's a hot summer morning. The car is loaded with your favorite music and I head north to your favorite town. rnFor more than an hour those certain Springsteen songs are blasting and I remember you so clearly, rnso full of happiness and joy and LIFE.rnrn
I believe in the love
rnI believe in the faith
rnI believe in the hope...and I prayrnrn
The songs bring such strong emotions and vivid memories that I can feel you in the music.rn
It is spiritual and thru the tears I drive on to that most sacred of places for you, where rnyou heard the words and felt the power of the music. Like a church this gospel offered the promise rnof redemption and maybe even salvation thru faith. And God knows you tried mightily.rnrn
Driving thru town I pass the streets and places that resonate in our shared songs.rnAlong the storied boardwalk I walk thru the ancient convention center and on past Madam Marie's.rnrn
As people stroll the boards enjoying the sun drenched day, none could guess at the heartbreak rnfelt and shared just a few steps away. Your mother had made trip alone that day concerned for me rnalong with a desire to see the place that meant so much to you. Sitting in a restaurant on the rnboardwalk she offered a toast to "Richard." The waiter approached and seeing the tears in her eyes rnasked if there was anything he could do If only. Everything is wrong and nothing seems right. rnNothing can ever be whole again. Its the worst day of the's your birthday. rnrn
Everything is everything, but you're missing
Rich Petrone, Friday, February 18, 2011
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Melissa Cannistraci, Friday, February 18, 2011
Although I do not know either Richard or Danille, I think about the two of them frequently and pray for peace for them and their families. I cannot believe that it has been 6 years next week and there still has been nothing. I am very sadden for Danielle's son and pray that those around him are keeping her memory strong for him. God Bless and I pray that one day the truth will be known.rnrnPeacernrnMelissarnPennsauken, NJ
Melissa Sheely, Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hi, I get visions of what happened, I get it from deep meditation . I am just trying to help. I see a truck driving losing control into a ditch right next to a highway..I am feeling New jerseyish...I feel like they have crossed over to the other side. I see Red don't know why!! I see nice teeth don't know why..I see that you need to know that they are good. I know they will locate the truck with the bodies there in the near future. This is sometimes not 100 percent so but close. He was Driving!! I see loss control and a tree and a ditch. you can email me if you like..I see long stretch and fell to the right..ditch and tree were on the right side!!! I see driving in dark and no one is on the road. I feel the search was done poorly. peace
vinny, Monday, February 7, 2011
Dear Little Rich, I'm sorry it has taken me almost six years to express my thoughts. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. You were so beautiful and your eyes- Oh my GOd, they were incredible. I watched you grow into a wonderful man and father. I think about you everyday and pray for you. We spent a tremendous amount of time together and I cherished every moment. I think you know how much you meant to me but in case you didn't, I loved you very, very much. Writing is not one of my strong suits, that is why I sit and talk about you with your father. Talking with dad allows me to feel close to you. Life has a way of continuing BUT it will never be the same without you. I promise not to wait six years to write you again.rnrnLove, Joe
Joseph Bonavitacola, Friday, February 4, 2011
Dear Rich and Marge, Just wanted to tell you, that our rnprayers never cease for all of you,and my children and Irntalk about you often. As a mother Marge,my heart is so veryrnheavy for you,and of course Rich....rnrnWe Love You, Elaine
Elaine DellaRocca Faragalli, Monday, December 27, 2010
Time can never dull the radiance of your smile. And the passing years will never dim the sparkle in your eyes. The strength of your soul rolls on through the love you left behind. Another family now exists because of you and your memory will echo through their lives.
rich petrone, Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wanting to recognize the 41st birthday of richards and hoping that he is shing down his light on his familyrnand knowing that his light is shining thru in his grandbaby timmy what a beautiful baby he has brought so much joy to your familyrnmay you enjoy those bright smilesrnhappy birthdayrnThe Fay'srn
cass fay, Saturday, August 28, 2010
Good morning,Richard. Before I start the day, I first want to remember your birthday. You are in my thoughts all the time. Missing you and your smile. You will never be forgotten. I know you are up there smiling at all of us. Happy Birthday!!rnLove, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Saturday, August 28, 2010
Today should have been your day.A special day like no other.Today was the day to puff out your chest and enjoy the benefits of all those years of dedication and effort. Today should have been your 1st as Grandpop,Poppop.Thoughts of tossing baseballs,teaching Timmy how to skate, fishing trips, and movies and amusement rides and music should be filling your mind. But that is not to be.You can take pride in Angela and the wonderful Mother she is, and Timmy for the great Father he is....but you would be floored by the bundle of joy your grandson is. He has brought a love back to us that has been gone too long. Although I know your soul can never rest until we put a finish to this nightmare your heart can be at peace knowing that all is well with your angel and she is surrounded by love as is your grandson.
rich petrone, Saturday, June 19, 2010
I am watching Nancy Grace tonight for the first time in years and it made me think of this. I don't know either family but I actually think of Richard and Danielle often. I followed this for quite a long time. I live right outside of Philly and go to South Street a lot and cannot even imagine how this could happen and go unsolved for so long!! I am very sorry that both families have to go through this. I must have missed that news report on Fox but I'm glad it's still out there! I hope it gets out more. I just wanted you to know that there are people out there who don't forget and hope and pray you find some kind of answers soon.rnrnLouise
Louise Bader, Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I don't know your son or Danielle but often think of them since I saw the initial news reports of their disappearance 5 years ago. Although I can't imagine your suffering in not knowing where they are, I felt compelled to let you know that people you don't know are still hopeful they will be found alive and safe.rnrnNever stop looking. Don't give up hope. Keep their story alive so others don't stop looking either. I will keep your families in my thougts and prayers.rn
Hillary Jackson, Monday, May 17, 2010
There was a body of a Richard Petrone Jr. found in Knoxville. Please go to they described him of a homeless man. I was just trying to find a picture of him in an obit because I run a homeless ministry, and we have memorial wall for those who die. I found this website, so if this is him, please let me know. My prayers are with your family that you will find answers soon of his whereabouts.
Stephanie Mitchum, Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Richard Petrone Sr., There are no words I can say to express my sorrow for you and your family. As a parent myself, your experience is unimaginable. We were grade school classmates many years ago at St. Monica's but not really friends just some mutual friends between us. None the less Rich, your story hits heartfelt emotions. Having known you in our youth only brings the story closer to home. Continue in your faith and God continue to give you and your family the strength to carry on. My prayers are with you and yours now and always, so somehow you will find the peace and closure you seek.
nrirn, Saturday, May 1, 2010
A family in Florida got some answers today when their van was found...I pray for this family often and and know the not knowing is awful...please answer their prayers on this Easter weekend...
ali, Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Richard.. I think about you and your family, and wonder every day what could have happened to you.. I think of your mom, dad and sister and pray for them that one of these days you will walk in the front door...rn We miss you..rn Karen Whilt..
Karen Whilt, Saturday, March 27, 2010
I just want to say, for some reason I think about them all the time. I carry around in my handbag the picture from a missing persons site. I feel that when I see it in my handbag, I will remember to say a prayer for them and to find them. When I firsat heard they were missing, (Idid not know them) Something popped into my head, I know it sounds crazy and I do not claim to be anything other then a normal person who sometimes gets these odd things pop in my mind. But any way, I felt sad and saw a black (not his truck) like big jeep or something like a big black jeep. I am sorry to say I saw it in water. I know you heard the water part before, I also saw Delaware river. I have not really talked about that with anyone, but for what its worth, -thats what happened to me when I heard. (also 2 men) I don't know if this is real or not, but I would prefer to be crazy then have this be true. Just know that I do pray for them and your families all the time. I so hope to be very very wrong.I don't want to make you more upset, --sometimes weird things like --me saying I feel this or that might make someone say, "Hey, remember we looked at the guy with the Black big jeep looking car.--You know maybe it makes someone take a second look at something that might help. God Bless you.
Marie Luko, Thursday, March 11, 2010
Some coward out there knows what happened to Danielle and Richard. At least be man enough to anonymously tell authorities where they can be found so their family and friends can have some peace. I pray someone will finally do the right thing.
FB, Monday, March 8, 2010
Dear Rich,Marge and family,my deepest condolences go out to you and your family.May God's blessing shine on you forever.
Larry DiVetro, Monday, March 1, 2010
Hope all of your prayers are answered soon! Following this story from Wisconsin. Can't imagine what you all are going through. Hopefully this can come to an end soon.
Jennifer, Monday, February 22, 2010
Miss you Rich.the pictures brought back the good times.Tommy Howell
Tommy Howell, Saturday, February 20, 2010
Dear Marge,Rich and Family,rnThinking of you today and praying for peace in your lives!rnWith Love,rnTom, Cass and Matt Fayrnrn
cassiefay, Thursday, February 18, 2010
I just wanted to say that my heart goes out to your family. I have followed this story for many years now which is very hard to do in Texas. I pray that you will find closure this year and justice will be served swiftly.
Angie, Thursday, February 18, 2010
The last time I spoke to Richard was 2 weeks before his disapearence. He called just to let me know a certain band was coming to town. There was excitement in his voice as there always was, as he spoke about the show. Richard always reached out and never forgot his friends.rnrnWhen he greated you it was with a REAL hug and a kiss on the cheek, like a real man and friend would do.rnrnI miss his hugs, I miss his phone calls, I miss his laughter.rnrnLove ya Brother,rnrnChris.rn
Chris Fortuna, Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dearest Richard, I am thinking of you today and will continue to do so always. No one can take your charm and smile away from us. It is emblazoned on our hearts. We love you and miss you. I think it is wonderful that you are a grandfather! Watch over your him and watch over your entire family. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, February 18, 2010
rnOur hearts and prayers are always with you and never forget that we love you all and will be praying for you all.rnrnGod Bless,rnrnElaine and Family
Elaine Faragalli and Family, Thursday, February 18, 2010
It makes me sad everytime this comes up in the media, someone knows what happened. Please who ever you are come forward. Because I seriously believe that someday the mystery surronding this disappearance will be revealed. Untill then, I hope for a safe return for both parties. Please God!! I am pleading with you, Bless both families & Give them the strength to be positive at a time like this....We are praying for you all......rnrnrn Sincerely,rn Harry Romano & Familyrn Phila,PA (Roxborough)
Harry Romano Jr, Thursday, February 18, 2010
We cannot believe it's been five years since we last saw you. We think about you all the time. Your kind heart, sense of humor, and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. We know that you are watching over us and our son, Max, and we hope that wherever you are, you are happy. We love you, Rich.
Rachel and Jimmy, Thursday, February 18, 2010
To the Petrone Family:rnrnMy thoughts and prayers are with you today. Rich, I still think about you alot and I hope someday your family finds the answers that they deserve. You are missed and loved by many.
Tracy Palamone, Thursday, February 18, 2010
May the great memories of Rich fill the air today to help all who are thinking of him! Bless the Petrone family and may this be the year that answers all questions! Thinking of you all today! Trudy
trudy morgan, Thursday, February 18, 2010
Five years on.Still no answers.But the circle of life goes on.There's a grandson now who will never hear the sound of your laughter or the warmth of your embrace.Much like your birth created our family,his birth has brought us all closer together.He is surrounded by love,especially the love of his parents.They are completely dedicated to his care and you would be so proud of the remarkable mother that Angela is.Young Timmy has brought a joy that has been missing for some time.We all look forward to his visits and the girls smother him with hugs and kisses.You did good.You did very good my son,and we will continue what you began.
rich petrone, Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hey Rich, I just wanted to say how gorgeous your grandson is. You would be so proud of your little girl. She's a great mommy and adores that baby. I look at the pics and my god he looks just like you. Miss you dearly and I can't wait for the day that we meet again so I can bust your chops POPPOP!!!!
Charlene, Sunday, February 7, 2010
Dear Richard, There isn't a day that goes by that i dont think of you and dannielle.......We will get this person!!!!!I know that we will!!!!!!I MISS YOU LOVE YA DANA
dana demone, Sunday, January 24, 2010
We were talking about this at work a few weeks ago. Just wanted to let you know the families of this couple are not the only ones thinking about them.
Terry, Saturday, January 23, 2010
I never knew Richard or Danielle.I have only followed the story since 2005. I am amazed that they are still missing.rnMy heart goes out to the families. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
Janice Kraemer, Monday, January 18, 2010
Tony is a long time friend of Marge way back from St Thomas grade school. We know of the tragedy involved and our hearts and prayers have been going out since we found out years ago.Marge has been so gracious in her generosity towards our daughters MS Fundraiser in 2005. Please do not give up hope Marge. We will pray until your son is found.rn
Anthony DiMartino, Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Mr and Mrs Petrone,rnrnI stumbled onto this story about a year ago. I still check periodically to see if there has been any new information. I can only imagine the heart break you both must feel every day. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I hope that the mystery is someday solved and you will be able to find out what happened to Richard and Danielle. rnrnSincerely,rnrnCarrie Paone
Carrie Paone, Sunday, December 27, 2009
I am a retired private investigator and have been following this story since the tragedy occurred. I was living at the time in Deptford, NJ, a Philadelphia suburb. The area is inundated with ponds and waterways. It has always been my belief that they are underwater somewhere and won't be discovered until we have an extreme drought. I followed up the case with a reporter who had been working on it and he said this was one of the scenarios under investigation. A kidnapping of two people outside a night club in this area of Philadelphia seems so hard to have pulled off. Although this seems to be the main focus of the investigation at this point. rnrnMy heart goes out to your family and I hope in the new year you can find some closure.rnrnYou are always in my prayers.rnrnJudy Fuller
JUDY FULLER, Friday, December 11, 2009
Just wish there was an ending some resoltion..just miss a good friend and it just never seemed the same without you rich going to the concerts so after a year they basically stopped..miss you a lot buddy
Scott, Sunday, December 6, 2009
I missed you the night the Phillies won the pennant Just as I missed you when Bruce played the full Born to Run show at the Spectrum. I miss you everytime I hold your grandson just as I do every time I see Angela's face. I miss the laughter you brought to your Mother's eyes. I miss the enthusiasm you brought to all your dreams. I miss the spirit you carried with you in all you did. I miss your passion,your intensity,your smile,your grace. I miss your music, hell I even miss your moods. I miss your wonder at discovering new things. I miss you more as time goes by and the list of special moments without you grows. I miss you my Son. Not a day goes by without the hurt reminding me of the love I miss, so especially today, thank you for the gift of your love.
richard petrone, Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hey,Brother Rich,you're a granpoppop! I'm SO happy for all ya'll!! Love Ya and see you someday soon. 40
Joseph Binstead, Tuesday, October 13, 2009
My heart continues to be heavy for my cousins, and I hope to soon learn that someone is brought to justice. May Timothy Richard bring much happiness to the family.
Cousin Linda, Saturday, October 3, 2009
I live just outside of Philadelphia and have followed this story for years. My prayers and thoughts go out to both families. I have posted one of the banners on my website. I do business in Chester, Montgomery, Berks and Philadelphia counties. I hope it helps.
Kristen Caperila, Sunday, September 27, 2009
Angela Petrone and Timothy McNally welcomed their son Timothy Richard into the world today. Mother and baby are both doing well.
rich petrone, Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I think of this missing couple often, and my heart goes out to the families and friends who are so painfully missing this lovely couple. Please know that total strangers are thinking of you and hoping that you find your loved ones.
South Jersey Woman, Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Richie you are in my thoughts always. Happy Birthday to my second son.rnrnDiana
Diana Pantisano, Saturday, August 29, 2009
Broken hearts and broken souls,shadows of what used to be. Not a day dawns without a tear in memory.Your heart,your spirit, your smile, your soul,the way your joy could fill a room are memories that carry us thru the day.The past is a comfort,a treasure to wrap our hearts around.But soon reality turns our thoughts to the loss...of a father, leaving his beautiful Angela to face a future without the love and strength only a dad can give.Of a brother,who never forgot what it meant to be a big brother to his sisters.Of a son,who made us a family and taught us what it meant to love someone more than you ever imagined.Of a young man on the verge of his true future.As your parents we could sense how you were pulling it all together,and its that loss and how your future was stolen that adds to the pain.But none of that can dim the memories...and so today we will gather to celebrate you and the joy you brought to all of us....our lives are better for you having been here.We love you...we miss you...happy birthday sweet prince ....Mom and Dad
rich and marge petrone, Friday, August 28, 2009
Wishing you a HappyBirthday Richard!!!!!On your 40th''''rnmy prayers go out to u and ur familyrnYOU LIVE ON IN THE HEART'S THAT U HAVE TOUCHED WHILErn YOU WERE HERErnAS LONG AS THERE IS LOVE AND REMEMBER THE FEELINGS OF LOVE ALL THE LOVE U HAV CREATED IS STILL THERErnALL THE MEMORIES ARE THERE...think of his voice he'll b there..the love is therernMY PRAYER FOR MY DEAR FRIENDS MARGE AND RICH and familyrnis peace in there livesand that justice will prevailrnrnlove u guysrntom and matt ,cass fayrnrnrn
cass fay, Thursday, August 27, 2009
Happy Birthday my friend. You are missed so much.rnLove,rnMissy
Missy Russo, Thursday, August 27, 2009
Rich,rnrnI can't believe it's your 40th birthday. Dom will be 9 the same day. I was telling him how you used to call him on his birthday since you guys shared that date. I believe he will be at your parents on Saturday with Frankie for a barbecue. You are sadly missed by many and hopefully soon your parents will have the answers they seek and so deserve. Tracy
Tracy Palamone, Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Dearest Richard -- Happy 40th Birthday! I am always thinking of you and will continue to do so. You will always have a special place in my heart. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Richie and Marge, I was thinking of you and your perpetual grief until this terrible event is solved. My thoughts and prayers remain with you I hope this case is resolved. Someone will talk. Stay confident and keep the faith, best always, Danny Bates
Danny Bates, Sunday, August 2, 2009
Rich and Margie,rnrnMy mom and I came to an 80th birthday party for her girlfriend at Gilane's on June 30th. We wanted so much to come in and give you a hug and let you know we are always thinking about you. You were closed for vacation. Sorry we missed you but we are always praying for you and Richie.rnrnLove, Diane Price, George and Dotty Price
Diane Price, Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I think of Rich and Danielle very often even though I have never met either and I hope and pray that they will be returned to their loved ones.rnrnPraying daily for a resolution to the pain and horror of this unbelievable situation. rnrnPeace,rnrnMel S
Melissa S, Saturday, June 13, 2009
My prayers go out to you
Fred, Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I think of you all of the time, buddy. It's been so long since you've been gone. I really miss you and wish you were here. This act that took you from us was so senseless...and still, there is no justice. It just sucks.
TP, Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Unbelievable. It is incomprehensible that the situation has not been brought to justice. rnrnStay close in spirit. Bring peace to their hearts.rnrnCuz'n donna
Donna, Friday, May 29, 2009
Hello...rnrnI don't know anyone involved in this case, but I live in Philadelphia and have long wondered how two people could just disappear along with their car. I had no idea it had been four years. I'm so sorry that your families have to go through this and I hope you get some resolution soon. rnrnrnTake care.
Anonymous, Monday, May 4, 2009
It's obvious who did this, Danielle's husband without a doubt!
BK, Tuesday, April 21, 2009
With no hesitation Marge offered to help our family in our efforts to raise funds for our daughter that has MS. She gave graciously and generously and without hesitation to our cause. Then we find out that she is carrying a burden such as this. Our family wishes we could do something to ease her pain. We can only pray for the entire Petrone family and hope that something good will happen in the near future.Richard is in our prayers everyday.rnrnrnAnthony DiMartino......a classmate of Marge's from St Thomas Aquinas
Anthony DiMartino, Saturday, March 21, 2009
Rich and Marge, love and continued strength to you both. This is a terrible tale and justice will prevail. It has been years since we last saw each other but the memories are clear. I want you both to know that my thoughts and prayers will be added to the many others being offered and in time, the truth will be known, faith in God will ensure that it is. Danny Bates
Dan Bates, Saturday, March 14, 2009
I have started a blog to try and gather some more information to help law enforcement.rnrnimboandpetrone.blogspot.comrnrn
Dr David Webb PhD United Kingdom, Sunday, February 22, 2009
I have read your story on and I googled it to see if there were any updates. I am so sorry for this feeling of sadness that just wont go away. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Natasha, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Just sending my thoughts and love out today to the entire Petrone family and friends. Richard is thought about often by so many. Richard's great personality will shine in everyone's memories. God Bless Richard and all of you especially on this day!
Trudy Morgan, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I will always remember our fun times at work and after work with the family. I will always love you and your family as if they and you were my own. always thinking of you. rnJackki
jacqulyn davenport, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with you always and especially today. I remember Richard since he was 5 years old. I know my son Thomas Romantini feels the sadness as well. If there is anything we can do to help please, let us know.rnMarie Romantini
Marie Romantini, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I stumbled on your web site today. Could not help but feel the emptiness you feel since most families share similar losses of one type or another. I truly believe that God has made and planned everything here on earth. There is a verse in the Bible,"everything secret will be revealed before the great judgement day" We have so much corruption and greed in this day and age I am hoping that the FBI has agents who are not all crooks; will look into this financial mess as it would stem back to developers,realtors, bankers,and greedy people who will do anything to get ahead,except an honest day's work. The local government offices here are run by crooks and I feel we have too much of this, that is why we have wall street problems. A lot of people are gaining the world and loosing their souls...thoughts for investigating:auto thieft, real estate thieft, drug dealers got wrong couple, developers need property, financial deal gone sour...other I know how it feels to not know what has happened. One of my sons had a wreck in 2005. He had to be resusitated. He still can not remember getting into his car or what happened but I am thankful that GOD saved him and he is able to function on the level he can.(bad head trauma for the fourth time) still can't remember...God is awsom. I'm sure you will get some answers soon. Your son had my son and grandsons birthday if it was August 29th.
Betty, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Those we love remain with us for love itself lives on,rnand cherished memories never fade because a loved one's gone. Those we love can never be more than a thought apart,rnfor as long as there is memory,they'll live on in the heart.rnrnrnDiana
Diana, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
As always I am at a loss for words on how to express my heartfelt sorrow on this sad day. I think of all of you so many times and always pray that today will be the day an answer comes. Please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I wish so much there was something I could do to ease your pain. Know that my whole family holds you in their heart and are praying for you.rnrnThe Price Family
Diane Price, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
To the Petrone family:rnrnJust want you to know that you guys are always in my prayers. I cannot believe four years have gone by. I still remember the day that my ex-husband, Frankie Palamone, called to tell me that Richie was missing. I thought it was some kind of joke. Richie is the sweetest person; I couldn't imagine that anything bad could have happened to him. God would never let that happen, not to Richie! My son Christian just told me yesterday that he remembers the last conversation he had with Richie and it was in our deli and it was about the price of butter. He even remembers what Richie was wearing that day. It's amazing the things that stick in a kid's mind. rnrnPlease know that there are lots of people who pray that one day this case will be solved and the person(s) who harmed Richie and Danielle will be brought to justice. Although there is no punishment strong enough for someone who could take another human being's life.
Tracy Palamone, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Richie I miss your smiling face, your jokes and my second son. I love you.rnrnDiana
Diana, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Nothing Gold Can Stay
rnrnNature's first green is gold,
rnHer hardest hue to hold.
rnHer early leaf's a flower;
rnBut only for an hour.
rnThen leaf subsides to leaf.
rnSo Eden sank to grief,
rnSo dawn goes down to day.
rnNothing gold can stay.
rnrnRobert Frost
rnrnNot a day goes by that i don't miss you, remember you, celebrate you and love you. One day we will meet again.
Kim Kelly, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Every time I hear about this or read about this, the same thing is said "vanished into thin air leaving restaurant" has anyone give it much thought that just maybe, they didn't leave the restaurant?? Is there rooms, basement in restaurant that can be searched? Just an idea that I had to put out there. Thanks, Linda S
Linda, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
dear richie, my freind, another year is gone,and still it feels like just yesterday when we were hanging out, laughing and listening to music,somtimes ill be out and i think i see you and just for one breif moment my heart races and i feel excited, your always in my heart and my prayers,I know one day we will meet again in heaven or on earth and that will be a great day. rest in peace my freind your buddy fester
Michael Deery, Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Dear Richard:rnrnThis is the date we all dread coming. This is the day we lost a wonderful human being. This is the day that has left your family and friends devastated -- never to be the same again. This is the day we remember you -- the one and only Little Rich. This is the day to say we love you and miss you always. This is the day we ask that you watch over your loved ones and give them the strength they so desperately need. This is the day to say that we will never forget you -- never. Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Please know that the Petrone and Ottobre families are in my thoughts and prayers. Although not directly involved in the investigation any longer, know that I have never forgotten about Richard and Danielle and that I hope closure is brought to you soon. Take care and may God bless you.
Sgt Tim Cooney, Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Rich and Marge,rn Not a day goes by that I don't think about Richard and you all. The picture of Richard in his hockey uniform brings back so many memories. You so deserve an end to this awful nightmare and I can only hope that those who are responsible for this will pay dearly. My thoughts remain with you. Betsy
Betsy, Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Rich and Margie,rnSunday and I were watching "Without a Trace" when I saw your son's name appear on the screen. I immediately researched on the web and found this site. I tried to get a phone number for you so I could call and personally express my condolences and support, but I failed in that attempt. We are devastated by your loss. I cannot imagine anything worse than outliving our children, and having this loss compounded by not knowing your son't whereabouts must be unbearable. I feel terrible that we lost touch and I was not there for you. I often think that the close friends that I made in my youth have never been repeated in my later travels. I count both of you among those close friends.I hope that you will e-mail me your contact information so I can call and offer any help or support that I can. You are both in our prayers. Rich and Sunday Cavallaro
Rich Cavallaro, Thursday, January 15, 2009
I just wanted to say that even though I do not know the Petrone family nor Richard...this tragedy has hit my heart. From what I see written here Richard was a kind, loving and overall good person. My thoughts and prayers are with you're family and I hope 2009 brings closure. God bless.....
Paul, Wednesday, January 7, 2009
It's good to know that there is law enforcement out there serving for the inocent victims. I think of Richard all the time and I know my son, Thomas has been devastated by this crime. If there is anything we could do just let us know.
Marie Romantini, Sunday, January 4, 2009
Always thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.rnrnThe Price Family
Diane Price, Sunday, January 4, 2009
You don't me , but I heard about this case nearly two years ago , if there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask I will hang flyers , anything I can do to help . I think 2009 should be a year for closure for the families of Richard and Danielle .rnI will pray for your families .
Stacy, Wednesday, December 31, 2008
It sounds as if you have quite a few good people working on this, but, if you ever need a helping hand in any way, I've worked in a number of news markets and work with alot of people who can help. I don't seek reward, I just hope for a resolution so you can either have Richard home or celebrate the holidays and live in the peace you deserve. Let me know if I can help, and, if you're OK on that end, just know that my family and I are praying for you! Love, John
John Stone, Saturday, December 13, 2008
Amen,cousin. Amen. And you and Marge and the entire family have enormous spiritual support for every human who learns of this case. rnrnI am honored know such an amazing man and women as you and Marge. Honored. rnrnAll my love, Always.rnDonna
donna, Wednesday, November 12, 2008
To all who have visited and posted at this site since its inception I would like to say a few words about a matter that I have so far not discussed. But first I would like to thank Rolando (Lands) for all of his efforts and dedication on behalf of our family and his dear friend in establishing and maintaining this web site and providing a place for us to post our thoughts.rnrn
Throughout this nightmare ordeal I have often been asked what, if anything, is going on in terms of an investigation. The answer is a lot. I would have never thought such an effort would still be under way more than 3 years later. Not a week goes by without contact with some division of law enforcement both local and federal as well as private organizations and individuals who are actively involved in this case. The investigation is being pursued on numerous levels and in many states. The work is painstakingly difficult and slow. However during this period we have met a group of men who symbolize everything that is good about our country and in particular our law enforcement. They are men possessed of integrity, dedication, and devotion all too rarely seen in everyday life. And to a man they have promised that this case will not end until justice is served.rnrn
While we deal in the lost days, the holidays and special occasions that all too cruelly mark Richard's absence, law enforcement operates on a different time frame. While we seek truth and justice as they do, they also accumulate the facts that will guarantee the successful prosecution of the individuals responsible for this crime. While we stress the fact that its now 1300 days of living "normally" for these criminal scum, law enforcement reminds us that they will spend the rest of their pathetic lives in prison (hopefully thousands upon thousands of days) once this case is brought to trial.rnrn
Know that this case is being investigated intensely by the finest group of men we could hope for. We know that when we lay our heads down at night Richard is being well served. His day of reckoning will come. In the meantime, thank you for your posts. They are a positive force and we look forward to your thoughts and prayers, and especially your memories of Richard.rnrnrnrnrn
Richard Petrone Sr, Monday, November 10, 2008
I feel bad even asking this, but is there ANY chance that Danielle and Richard aren't dead? I mean, is there a chance that they left for some reason?
Kate, Saturday, October 25, 2008
When I first saw this story a few years back I was frightened beyond belief that two people could just vanish on a busy street like South Street. As I read more and more, it was not long that I figured it was the Danielle's husband behind it. I feel so sad for Richard's family, I am praying for them. We have not forgotten these two young beautiful people.
Fran-Jenkintown Pa, Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Happy birthday Rich! Hope your causing (hell) up there in heaven! lol We will never forget your great spirit around here. Music will be your way of sticking around all of us. Everyone of us has a special song/group that brings us back to you. May your family find peace in knowing how many lives you touched with just your smile. Trudy
Trudy Morgan, Friday, September 5, 2008
happy birthday, Richie....rnrn
cuz'n donna, Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wishing you peace on your son's birthday!rnWords could never communicate., but, may the memories that you hold deep within your heartrnhelp to soothe you...rnrnrnhappy birthday richardrn
cass,tom and matt fay, Saturday, August 30, 2008
"When i despair, i remember that all through history...the ways of truth and love have always won. ..There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible..but in the end they always fail. Think of it always" MAHATMA GHANDI To my dear nephew on his gift to you is a simple prayer...may your heart and soul be at rest...possessing a peace and tranquility only few can own...may it be yours...i wish this for you..luv auntie
aunt lisa, Thursday, August 28, 2008
"And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God." Aeschylus.
rnrnAs we prepare to celebrate the 4th birthday without your smile the wisdom that the Greeks spoke of has not yet come. The solitary question "Why" dominates most days. I think I know the answer but the proof is slow to come. The truth is obvious except to those who choose to be blind. Truth is eternal. Proof is a man made term. Faith is what keeps us moving forward. Faith in the man working this case for over 3 years without giving up. Faith in their efforts and dedication and integrity. Hope is another matter altogether. Although we remain hopeful there are times our spirits sag. You start to feel, as if,
rnrn"Hell's brewin, a dark sun's on the rise
rnThe storm will blow thru bye bye
rnHouse is on fire, viper's in the grass
rnA little vengeance too shall pass
rnThis too shall pass, yeah I'm gonna pray
rnRight now all I've got is this lonesome day
On days like this I turn to my music or my books to try and gain some insight or understanding. I know evil exists and shit happens. But you were such a gentle soul. A good soul. A moral person. But that was not enough. I know the good die young. The highways' jammed with broken heroes. And maybe it's what Hemmingway wrote in A Farewell to Arms: "If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will you too but there will be no special hurry."
rnrnI've been listening to Springsteen a lot these last few days. It brings me closer to you but it's a sword that cuts both ways. There's the many memories of all the shows we saw together - and the ticket stubs you saved - and I can see you so clearly in my mind and your expression and excitement when certain of our favorites were played. And for a moment or two I can hold onto that warm feeling, remembering the rides to and from the shows and the talks afterward. And then reality steps in and I realize that is gone forever.
rnrnWhenever I feel lost I turn to the poets, the people who with words try to make some sense of our time here on earth. Not surprisingly Springsteen has been a constant source. He recently wrote about the death of a friend
rnrnWhen they built you brother
rnthey turned this dust to gold
rnWhen they built you brother
rnthey broke the mold
rnThey say you can't take it with you
rnbut I think that they're wrong
rnAll I know is I woke up this morning
rnand something big was gone
rnGone into that dark ether
rnwhere you're still young and hard and cold
rnJust like when they built you brother
rnand broke the mold
Richard Petrone, Thursday, August 28, 2008
Richard - Happy Birthday to you. We will never forget your endearing smile, your warmth, and wonderful personality. You are the best! Love, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Thursday, August 28, 2008
My brother and Rich played ice hockey together for the Gladiators, and my dad was their coach. My family and I think of Rich and his family all the time, and still cannot believe what has happened to Rich and Danielle. We pray that justice will be served and that the families can find peace. Rich will always be in our hearts.
Marian Kelly, Monday, August 4, 2008
While I was visiting Brigantine a week ago, I heard about Richard's disappearance. I am so shocked and saddened. I met Richard at Holy Rosary School. I remember sitting in class with him, being at recess, friday nights at the coliseum and, of course, numerous skating parties. I also remember how great of a hockey player he was even at such a young age. Richard was such a sweetheart and I had the biggest crush on him. I am sorry for all of his family. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Have faith. Justice will prevail.
Claudia Kompa, Monday, August 4, 2008
does the fbi kwow who was the target of the murder for hire scenario? also, do they have an idea who the person or persons are who carried out this plot? rnmy sympathy goes out to both families, and i sincerely hope that whoever did this is caught ,and given the ultimate punishment, i.e., the death penalty.this is absolutely despicable.
pamela devereux, Saturday, July 26, 2008
i used to work with Dannielle,at National Future Mortgage i was just thinking about her and how nice of a person she was she is a one of a kind person i hope and pray for her.Just thought i would reach out, keep the faith
Paul Cirino, Thursday, July 3, 2008
To my wonderful cousin. I listen to the news. I read the papers. I see the pictures. It all seems so surreal. The memories I have of you, with you, are unforgettable and irreplacable. I will always remember my smiling, jolly, happy, free-spirited Godfather the way I knew him. When I was younger I would always run and hide when I knew he'd be coming over to avoid a tickling attack from him. He knew how ticklish I was. Or the times we'd work at the bakery together fooling around. He always knew how to put some fun into a boring moment.I looked up to him like he was a big brother- a role model. And so I end this note to you my cousin with love and so much hope that someday you will have your peace that you so rightfully deserve. I miss you incredibly and think of you always. LOVE, YOUR GODAUGHTER
Your Goddaughter, Thursday, June 19, 2008
I can't believe it's been 3 years already. The recent news that Rich & Danielle's disappearance was a murder for hire came as no huge surprise. People don't just vanish, unless it's well planned. It would seem my initial suspicions of who is responsible are pretty close to everyone else's. rnrnRich and families, you are in my thoughts always. Keep faith in the fact that he will be punished.
Jim Taylor, Wednesday, June 4, 2008
When I find myself in times of trouble rnMother Mary comes to me rnSpeaking words of wisdom rnLet it be rnAnd in my hour of darkness rnShe is standing right it front of me rnSpeaking words of wisdom rnLet it be rnrnAnd when the broken hearted people rnLiving in the world agree rnThere will be an answer rnLet it be rnrnFor though they may be parted there is rnstill a chance that they will see rnThere will be an answer ....rnLet it be rnrn
cuzn'n donna, Monday, May 26, 2008
My heart goes out to both families. I feel like Richard got caught up in Danielle's husbands plot to murder her. I cannot wait till the day they arrest him. I cry when I read the comments from Richard's dad, the anguish in his words is so upsetting. I hope both families know that people have not forgotten this story after 3 years. Two people and a truck do not just disappear without a clue, someone will talk or something will turn up that will help solve this horrible crime. I am so sorry that this had to happen to two loving families. I am praying for you for a miracle.rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn
Frances, Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I came upon this website by accident, but was immediately taken by the senselessness and heartbreak of Richard and Danielle's disappearance. I somehow feel connected as I am also Italian and understand what family means to us. To have your loved ones disappear into thin air is one of the hardest things that can happen to a family. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Carole-Citrus Heights, CA, Monday, May 19, 2008
I can't believe it's been 3 years. You come across my thoughts from time to time. I wonder if there was a break in the case. It angers me and I pray. I hope the Lord will lead you to comfort. I pray you get closure. The closure that brings your family back together. God Bless you. My heart goes out to you.
Daniele Berzin from Texas, Sunday, May 11, 2008
Just sitting here thinking about you and I wanted you to know. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Diane Price, Sunday, May 4, 2008
Please let me convey my condolences first of all and though I cannot feel the extent of your pain, you have my utmost sympathy. I have followed this case for several years and it amazes me that two people and a vehicle can disappear with no clues. I have recently read that there are new clues in the case, though I have not heard what they are. Looking at your website, I was wondering if any research has been done on local waterways and the possibility that they may have accidentally become submerged. Following several other cases when multiple people have disappeared with there vehicles, it usually involves water. I noticed there was a significant waterway in the route of travel. This has been bothering me whenever I come across this case and whether the theory has been explored. Once again my prayers are with you and both families involved.
Tracy Hoover, Monday, March 31, 2008
climbing up on solsbury hill i could see the city lights.wind was blowing time stood still eagle flew out of the night.he was something to observe, came in close i heard a voice.standing stretching every nerve i had to listen had no choice.i did not believe the information had to trust imagination my heart going boom boom boom."son" he said "grab your things i've come to take you home".
dad, Saturday, March 22, 2008
On this highest of holiday, God Bless you, Richie. Watch over your family and shed some peace and comfort to them from you.rnrnKiss the "gang" and my nan for me.
Cuz'n Donna, Friday, March 21, 2008
I am glad to see that finally the police/FBI know that this was a Murder for hire plot! Danielle was the target and poor Rich just fell in love with the wrong girl!rnrnWe ALL know who is behind this murder and I can't wait until the day I read that he has been caught(along with his mobster cronies) and sent to the big house!rnrn
dana gallo, Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Im sorry to grace your page with anger, as you were never an angry soul. But it pisses me off that some motherFer got away with murdering you and Danielle. I wonder if I had been quicker and came down and had that beer with you. That you might have stayed out longer, talked about good times past... given you another day on Earth. But I realize that some scumbag had Danielle in their sights and you were caught in the mix. Gee, I wonder who had everything to gain and evrything to lose by her death? In this life or in death, those responisible will pay. My sin is a lust for wrath and vengance for your killers, my friend. One way or antother, sooner or later, your death will be avenged and I will be at peace. Until then, I will wait. Time is on your side and we shall meet again.
Derek, Saturday, March 15, 2008
Three years now- it came so fast, yet it took so very long. rnrnTo the heartbroken family and friends of Richard and Danielle:rnrnAs a Mother who lost a daughter tragically, rnI know something of your pain, rnbut many of my questions were answered, rnOh God all of yours remain.rnrnTogether you all share and suffer, rnin that horrid nightmare without end.rnThe questions have gone unanswered, rnbut this is the end of this trend.rnrnNow more than ever, rnyou must all find the strength to believe, rnthat new hope soon will be arriving, rnand with it the answer indeed. rnrnMay God Bless you all…rn
Valerie Morrison – Roxborough, PA, Friday, March 14, 2008
I just stummbled across your tragic story lookin for another tragic story. In the United Kingdom where i live A 9 year old girl who has been missing for 3 weeks was found inside a bed alive with a man who had been keeping her against her will.But feel at least she is safe now.Although i dread to think what has happened to her. But your pain just goes on and on bless you all.Cant begin to imagine the pain of the people left behind in this sad story. Emma x x x
Emma Parr, Thursday, March 13, 2008
This is messed up. Somebody knows something and they aren't saying it. Where? Why? To the person(s) who they are- SPEAK UP! Clear your conscience. Ease the hearts of these loved ones and the children of these two. My heart goes out to the friends and families of Richard and Danielle.
Scott M. - NE Philadelphia, Monday, February 25, 2008
I was watching TV tonight and saw Richards name show across and thought I would look further into what realy happened. My thoughts and prayers go out to both of the family and friends of these to young ones. I pray that you get the peace you need when they are found and all the questions are answered. Now you have one more person looking out for them in Springfield, MornrnMay the Lord Bless both families with answers,rnKarinrnrnrnrn
Karin K, Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Dear Rich and Marge, I've been thinking about since the awful day Richard and Danielle were reported missing. You probably don't remember me, but I was a good friend of Marge's sister Maria, who I miss everyday of my life.rnrnMany years ago, I met you all down the shore and had a great time. I pray that you get answers to what has happened but wanted to let you know that you are not alone, and they are not forgotten.
Debbie, Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Rich and Marge you are ALWAYS in my heart, and in my prayers. God Bless
MJ, Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I am praying that you all find the answers you are so desperately needing soon. I have been following this case and praying for both families. I also put a banner on all my websites that I have for missing persons so maybe that will help in some way. God bless you all!rnrnJanet
Janet, Monday, February 18, 2008
Even though I never met Danielle and Richard, I will never forget them. I think about them all the time and I pray for an answer for the families of both.
Jen, Monday, February 18, 2008
so very sad and i have being following the story. i really hope this gets solved soon. juctice has to be served!!!rngod blessrnmartina rnireland
martina, Saturday, February 16, 2008
Richie,rnrnIts seems like a lifetime ago since we have seen eachother, but the memory of our friendship and the things we did together will live strong in our memories and our stories of all the crazy things we did together still and bring a smile to us. We miss you and your kindness. My heart and prayers go out to you and Danielle, and your families.rnYou will never be forgotten! I know you are in heaven and peace is all around you, and I pray your family knows God has you in his arms now and nothing can harm you now.
Billy Mancini and Tony Mancini, Saturday, February 16, 2008
To the Families: I want you to know that your children ARE NOT forgotten. You had mentioned this today on Smerconish and my heart just ached for you all. Even though we never met I think of them often and pray this horrible mystery is solved. Best wishes.
Jana, Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Richard...I think about you all the time. I miss our talks and I miss you.
Ellen Roder, Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I pray these new leads bring you closer to finding out what happened to Richard and Danielle. Stay strong and know that we are thinking and praying for you.
margo ahart, Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I wanted to let you know that the story of Richard and Danielle hasn't been forgotten. I think about them all the time and hope and pray that some answers come to light. There have to be people that know about this, and I only hope they have a conscious and will help ease your pain and give your family the answers you deserve.
Friend, Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Rich and Marge, I am glad I got a chance to talkrnto you today. I was quite surprised to see channel 10 New on my doorstep, but was really rnglad they have new leads. I am stil prayingrnfor them, in the hope they will catch and punishrnwhomever for this horrific deed.rnrnI also explained to channel 10, there is no suchrnthing as "closure, when you loose a child. I hoperneveryone got that message. God Bless you and Rich. Missy and I are thinking and praying e/dayrnrnSandy and Missy Russo
sandy, Monday, February 11, 2008
Dear Richard - rnyou may be gone from our sight rnbut never our memory...rngone from our hearingrnbut never our hearts...rngone from our touchrnbut your "presence" will always be feltrnand the love that you gave your familyrnand friends will never depart.rnrnWe miss you. rnrnLove, Rosemarie, Joe and Justinrnrnrnrn
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I wrote about your family's search for Rich for the Inquirer. I'm no longer there, but I still think of you. This new development shocked me. Stay strong.
Natalie, Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers continue to go out to you and the Ottobre family. Although I am no longer directly involved with the investigation, I still continue to ponder the facts and look for ideas and/or leads that may bring us all some closure. You guys and this case are both deep inside of me. Best Wishes.
Sgt. Tim Cooney, Wednesday, February 6, 2008
My thoughts are with you and your family. I pray that one day soon you will all have closure and some piece of mind. rnrnTake care of yourselves, your children would want that.
Dawn, Wednesday, February 6, 2008
All I can say is, "Heartbreaking."
A friend in PA, Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Richard & Marge: My prayers remain with you in you quest for closure, and join yours in the hope for a miracle that will bring Richie and Danielle back to you. Miracles do happen. It is my fondest wish that one happens for you.rnrnAncient Friend, Joe LaCerra
Joseph LaCerra, Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Richie,rnrnI'll think of you at that spot at the parade and make a toast. I'll raise the flask and say...please find a way to bring some peace to your mom, dad, sister, daughter...and all those whose lives you deeply touched.
Cuz'n Donna, Sunday, December 30, 2007
even out here in canada, hoping one day you will be found. bless you.
T., Saturday, December 22, 2007
Went to St. Rita's last night and lit a few candles for all of you. Surround them this Christmas with the warmth and love of you to lift some of the pain. Some how show them you never really leave us and that your spirit is still close.rnGod Bless.rndmv716rn
Cuz'n Donna, Saturday, December 22, 2007
Remembering you and your family in my daily prayers.
Diane, Tuesday, December 11, 2007
No words. Bless your immediate family and extended family and friends. Shed all the warmth and peace you can to keep their hearts at peace.rnKiss the gang for me...rnrn
Cuzn'n Donna, Friday, December 7, 2007
"Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them." - Deuteronomy 32:35
Gordon, Tuesday, November 27, 2007
rn"The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine."rn
Gordon, Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I was done on south street last week and I remembered the missing couple so I decided to see if there were any break thru's. I can't believe after all this time that no one has come forward with ANYTHING. I pray that someone who knows something comes forward soon. I cannot imagine what the families are going thru but I pray that you all make it thru. Try to make the best of your holidays.
JW, Sunday, November 25, 2007
Rich and Marge, I cant believe another holiday season is here. Our hearts are still broken as we think of you guys without Rich for another year. As a mother, i really hurt for you as i know how i would be. Our prayers are with you always. Love Elaine and family.rnrn
Elaine Faragalli, Tuesday, November 20, 2007
lonesome days... broken hearts & empty souls, shadows of what we used to be. Not a day dawns without a tear. Your spirit, your heart, your joy, the way you filled a room when you were enthused are memories that carry us through the day. The past is a treasure to wrap our hearts around but then the present reality turns my thoughts to the loss. Of a Father, leaving your beautiful Angela to face a future without the love & strength & support only a Dad can give. Of a Son, who made us a family & taught us what it meant to love someone more than you thought you could.Of a Brother, who never forgot what it meant to be a Big Brother to his sisters. Of a young man on the verge of his true future.As a father I could sense how you were starting to put it all together.It's that loss of your future...a future that was STOLEN from you that drives us forward. I know you would be comforted by the efforts of the men who are working to bring to their judgment day the animals who stole you away. Their courage & dedication, faith & commitment are bringing us closer to that day. It is coming. In the end it is your truth that lives on, because nothing survives but the way we live our lives.
Rich Petrone, Monday, November 12, 2007
Rich, still thinking about you buddy..its been a while but I'm still praying for you and your family. rnI hope some answers come so there can be some sense of peace for thoughts and prayers.rn-Marc
Marc Keen, Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I came across this site by doing a search on somebody else. This is the first that I've seen of this story, probably because I live in California.rnI hope for all who know and love these 2 people that this gets resolved in the best way possible. My prayers go out to these 2 nice people as well as their families and friends.rn-Robin Bailey
Robin Bailey, Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Rich, I though of you toady and realized it was just your birthday. I remember that night vividly, "Hey Rich is down the club, come on down and have some beers!". I, moving slowly, just miss you by 10 minutes. I say to myself "Damn! I havent seen Rich in awhile, but now that I have the club, Ill see him all the time., so no biggie". I figured wrong. The only solace I take at this point is that sooner or later I will some satisfaction watching the scum behind this tracked down like a dog, persecuted and preferably executed or left to rot in a cell. I now watch FBI files and such shows with much more attention. One day I hope there is an episode for you, showing justice brought down upon the evil person behind this and giving closure to your family and friends.rnrnWish I had had that beer with you my friend.rnrnI never forget the times we hung out and in particular waiting out all night to get Howard Stern to sign our books. That was on South Street too. Sigh. Happy belated birthday buddy!
Derek, Friday, September 7, 2007
I had never heard of this incident before; somehow I just came upon it online. If someone random like me can find out about this sadness, I'm sure there are many more people out there who will learn about it, as well. All we have to hope for is that one of those people will know something, anything. rnrnMy prayers go out to you and your family.
Krystal, Wednesday, September 5, 2007
I don't know Richard. I have had little interaction with his family, but I pray for their happiness and what little healing they can have. May God bless you all in your lives and bring you happiness.
Jane Doe, Saturday, September 1, 2007
Just was thinking of you and your family with a heaving heart. rnrnLove and peace to you big rich, marge, christine cuz'n Lisa, Angela, Alisa and all. rnrnwatchover us...say hi to the "gang"
cuz'n donn, Thursday, August 30, 2007
To Little Richard -- My first thought today was of you. This date will always be etched in my mind - good thoughts -- thoughts of a wonderful young man. We miss you but you will never be forgotten in our hearts. We love you, we think of you and your smile and charm will remain with us always. Even with the passing of time, no one can take that away from us.rnLove to you, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I have never met Danielle or Rich,I am just someone from South Philly who heard their story over two years ago now and was really disturbed by it. I came online today to see if there has been anything new happening with the case. Its seems there is not and I can't imagine how frustrating this must be to the familes. I am so sorry you still have no answers. I hope and pray you find the answers you so desperatley want and to find peace someday.
Regina, Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Rich,rnrnI often wonder what you are doing. There are so many times I wish I could talk to you. It's amazing to see what an impact you've had on so many lives, and how you continue to do so. rnrnCan you honestly believe that your cousin, Stacey and I are getting married next month? Seriously. I'll say that again slower for you. Your cousin... Stacey...and I...are getting Citizen's Bank Park! Yeah, nothing too mind-blowing though, just a couple hundred people...ceremony at home plate...B-Street Band in the Diamond Club. The usual-type thing. Yeah, your sister, Alisa's in it, Jerry's in it, Micheal and Steven....even Nic and Robbie are in it! Just what you would have expected, right? Ha..Haaa...I love ya, buddy. It's funny, because if I told you this three years ago, you would have just busted out laughing.rnrnYeah. I wish I could have a conversation with you about these things. I know you know all about it, but it's not the same, you know? I want to bring up a ridiculous news story just to see you get riled up....or say something goofy to hear you laugh hysterically with that silly, infectious giggle of yours. rnrnIt's the simplest things I miss about you, buddy. It's what you'd say. I's what you'd do. It's the look you'd have on your face. I miss it all, but I'm thankful I'll always have the memories. rnrnThere aren't enough people in this world like you, Rich. People that are loyal, honest, warm, trustworthy and genuine. I try to surround myself with people like that as much as I can now. The more I do, the more I'll think of you, and of how much you affected my life. That's why I love your, Cousin Stacey. She's a big-hearted silly monkey just like you. rnrnI'll always feel like I'm a better person because of you, and I hope that you somehow know that. I know I'll see you again someday, and we'll have an eternity to catch up on things. Until then my friend, you'll always be in my thoughts and in my heart. There'll be a seat waiting for you at our wedding. I already know that you'll be there to have a blast with us.rnrnHappy Birthday Buddy! rnrnTP
Tommy P., Tuesday, August 28, 2007
It's an early morning on the boardwalk in Ocean City.I sit & watch the sun rise as a fresh new day begins.Sitting here watching the ocean & listening to my music I always feel closer to you because my thoughts are not crowded or rushed.Soon it will be 1000 days without you-- a third birthday without you-- 3 trips around the sun.At the shore its easier to see & feel the awe inspiring beauty & complexity of creation.As I sit,I wonder.I wonder at the size & scale & power of the mind that imagined all of this into existence.All of the billions & billions of steps in the process that emanated from that imagining to this manifestation.My mind is not equipped to handle the enormity of it.And so I reduce it to a more manageable scale.Michaelangelo's work or the operas of Puccini...examples of imagination so achingly beautiful as to break your heart....and yet they are the manifestations of imagination... one man's dream become real.Where is this going? The other day I watched Field of Dreams for the 100th time.Naturally the scene when he asks his father to have a catch sends me over the top.But this time I thought...OK it's an idea, a dream that goes beyond our reality.I don't believe in a heaven of resurrected bodies presided over by a benign father figure.But I do believe in the power of ideas & imagination.So maybe in some parallel universe,or at another point in the space-time continuum it is possible because it was imagined.Until that moment when my thoughts as I know them cease,I will imagine what that catch & so many other things will be like when I see you again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BEAUTIFUL SON
rich petrone, Friday, August 24, 2007
i sometimes still can't believe that richard is gone. i think of him so often it is scary and the memories that i have of him will last a lifetime. we went through grade school together and also highschool and he is never far from my thoughts. i talk about him with grammar school friends and remember all the good times we've shared. it seems like i find him everywhere. i can't pass the coliseum without smiling, which is often as my parents still live on that street, or turn a corner without remembering our bike rides or childhood fun on a rope swing. the hallways of eustace where he always had a minute to talk or joke. we always spoke around our birthdays and reminisced about times together so i find this time extremely melancholy. i pray for his family and for him and hope to hear his voice again someday. until then i will keep seeing him in all our old haunts and sharing our stories with friends and family. i miss you richard! margo
margo wells ahart, Monday, August 13, 2007
I went to H.S. with Rich and he was such a nice guy and all us girls were "in love" with him. He was the most handsome boy at Bishop Eustace Prep. He was so funny he always had us laughing!rnrnI am still in shock after 2 years that this happened to him. I went to the bar that he was last at when he first dissapeared and said a prayer. rnrnMy thoughts and prayers are with him and his family that the mystery of his disappearance is solved very soon.rnrnWe miss you Rich!rnrn
Dana Gallo, Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I've followed this tragic story since it first broke two+ years ago. I can't imagine how hard the not knowing is, and want to extend my heartfelt admiration to the Imbo/Ottobre and Petrone families for enduring. Your missing loved ones remain in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed to all, and hope for a joyous reunion with them soon - they'd better have a good story to tell!
Tiner in Austin, TX, Sunday, June 24, 2007
I have thought about this often. I was in Center City in the beginning of March 2005 attending a special screening of Sahara and saw the poster of Rich & Danielle missing. It is soo hard to believe they disappeared without a trace. No sightings, no abandoned vehicle, no cell phone records, etc. Unbelievable, unfathomable. I am soo sad for both families. I cannot imagine the pain and anguish you are going through.rnrnGood luck and Godspeed. My prayers are with you now and until this mystery is solved. Please know that many people care and are praying for you, and that God is with you.
Shawne Needham, Saturday, June 23, 2007
I don't know your family, but this story has always bothered me. I honestly do remember this couple and look around me a bit or halt when I see a truck similar to your son's. These guys are my age and I hope and pray that they are somewhere safe and will be found. God Bless and know that people in the area are still thinking of them and of you.
Susan, Thursday, June 21, 2007
Hello- I have followed the story from the beginning. I am very sorry for what you all have to go through. I did not know them but the fact that the truck has not been found makes me think that something supernatural has happened to them. Maybe they will be returned with lots to tell. rnNever stop hoping.rn
Brenda Simons, Monday, June 4, 2007
my prayers are with you and with all who have a love one missing. my daughter lisa michelle hatchell, has been missing soon be four years on july 19,. my dear lisa seens to have vanish without a trace. she was last seen fighting with her boyfriend at 54 & warrinton ave in south west phila. 0n july 19,2003. which was her 37th birth. nobody have seen or hear from her since that day. my heart is heavy with grief everytime i hear about a missing loveone. just keep praying and searcing, some one out there knowa what happwn to our love one.rnrnlisa michelle's mother
alonie walton, Tuesday, May 22, 2007
listen to the thunder as it draws ever the lightning flashes send the rats and the roaches running for cover.....judgement day is coming
richard petrone sr., Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Only too well do I understand what the family and friends are experiencing. Living in the "not knowing" is not a nice place. My own good friend went missing nearly eight years to the date before Richard and Danielle on February 18, 1997. We never thought that 10 years would go by and we still not know what happened to her.rnrnThe Petrone and Imbo families remain in my prayer along with the countless other families of missing persons. Wenow have a kinship in a family we never would have chosen to be in.rnrnPlease join us at Philly's 1st Annual March for the Missing. The flier information flier is on the right column of this site.
DeJuana Price, Monday, May 14, 2007
Just wanted to say hello and let you know you were all still in my prayers. I am from the Philadelphia area and used to say a prayer for Richard and Danielle every time I went past the billboard. I live out of the area now but recently I found myself thinking of them again so I sought out the page to see if there was new news. I pray that God gives you peace and that you have some answers soon. I will continue to pray! rnKimberly RobinsonrnWellsboro, PA
Kim Robinson, Sunday, April 29, 2007
yesterday was a typical april saturday.busy,busy. things were actually going relatively smoothly. i had come in early in the hope of going to see robbie play ball.he plays with the same intensity you always brought to any game.anyway,i was moving in the moment and engaged, almost on autopilot when the radio began to play "we are family" and stopped me cold.i'll always remember you and your mother dancing together to that song in your special way,to aggravate me when i would be in my stern jackass mood.truth be told, i was always laughing inside
richard petrone, Saturday, April 21, 2007
I have followed this case on and off since his disappearance. My heart goes out to his family- parents, sister and daughter. I was wondering how they are coping. And if they have had any joy in their lives. I couldn't imagine the pain. Even though I don't know them, I keep them in my prayers.
MaryEllen, Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I am a mother of two living in Washington State. I cant begin to tell you how deeply I was moved by not only the strange way your Son and his girlfriend seem to have vanished with out a trace, but then your words.. the love I felt reading what Richards mother, father and most of all daughter Angela had to say. I just sat at my desk and cried. I have all of the information in hand including a flyer. I will talk about this over dinner with friends, making small talk with family and you can bet that this story will remain in my head and in my heart until the day they are found. I will pray for your family and most of all for Richard and Danielle. The dream that SR. had of little Richard playing on the beach is what I will pray for and the happiness of closure for all involved. Angela- never stop shinning. Your father would be so proud of you. After all, you are his angel.
Jamie Proctor, Sunday, February 18, 2007
No words. A moment in heart is lifetime. - EmersonrnrnNo one understands that better then your mom, dad, sister, daughter, aunt lisa and all your immediate family. The soul merely waits. rnSomeone sent me a passage the other day from the book the naked soul. I thought of you and our family for many reasons:rnrnNo one is ever lost to us, even if they are reincarnated. Someday we will see them again as we have loved them. Love, like the soul, is our greatest teacher and is infinite energy. Beyond earthly love's briefness, loss and frustration, love lives on. What a beautiful thing to look forward to! For every regret, there is another opportunity. For every loss, there is a second time with a loved one. For every fulfillment, there is fruition.rn-The Naked SoulrnrnIn this there is hope. May God shed his grace, warmth and peace on our family tomorrow and everyday.
Cousin Donna, Saturday, February 17, 2007
dear margaret me and my wife have been praying for you and your family i could only imagine what you and your husband are gone through i saw your sister at the saint thomas aquinas reunion god bless you and your family
ralph giovinetti, Saturday, February 17, 2007
To the friends & family of Richard & Danielle-rnAlthough I don't know your loved ones, I have always wondered what happened to them since they went missing. Since it is almost the 2nd anniversary of their disappearance, and I believe in the power of mediums, I have emailed medium and clairvoyant Lisa Williams on your behalf. I do not know if she will or can do anything, but I thought it would not hurt. Perhaps you have already contacted mediums or psychics in the past, but I do believe Lisa has a gift. I hope no one minds that I did this, but I really want your family to have some answers.
Leslie, Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I ran across this sad story and wanted to send a prayer to the family and the two that are missing.
Someone in Phoenix, Monday, February 12, 2007
Richie, my second son...I miss you teasing me and hearing you say Yo Di. I hope and pray that you will be found and my thoughts, love and prayers are with you and your parents always.rnrnLove,rnDi
Diana V., Wednesday, January 31, 2007
To the Petrone family:rnrnYou are always in my prayers. My neice Missy Russornand I still cannot believe the mystery surroundingrnthis awful tragedy.rnrnMay God give you the strength to handle rnwhatever happens. I am sure the culprit or rnculprits cannot remain anonymous forever.rnrnI am thinking of all of you with a prayer in rnmy heart.rnrnSandyrn
Sandy Meta, Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Today I was telling a co-worker about this as I was living near Philly at the time. I just want to give the families the thought that maybe they are in witness protection. New identities new lives. I bet they are in WP, and anyone familiar with the program knows you can not contact family. I think they are fine and they wish they could tell the moms and dads they got married and have children.rnrn
stoic8, Tuesday, January 2, 2007
just thinking of you all and wishing you a happy new year. i hope that richard & danielle are at peace wherever they are, and i hope you all find peace someday too. wish there was something i could do to help. love, rebecca from TX
rebecca, Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Emotions run very high during the holidays. It's painful to feel joy when your heart is so empty, but strength comes in many forms. This site has provided an oasis to those who care for these people and their families. A vital link with hope for a resolve to this tragic rnepisode. My primary wish for the coming year is for swift discovery.rnA light that will shine on the truth that may give solace to those with empty hearts. There is much love here. Being able to read the feelings expressed by everyone is a truely a comfort. Thank you.
michael nardi, Thursday, December 21, 2006
Shed warmth and peace in your family and friends hearts, Rich. Let'em feel your warmth from where you are. This is all still a nightmare. Watch over us as we face the holidays. rnrnKiss my nan, mom, dad, and the gang.rnrndmv
cuz'n Donna, Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I came upon this website by accident. I did a Google search for a brand of expensive tequila. I don't know the correct spelling and it took me to a wrong page. I saw this website, it was the 3rd one down. I've read a little about the missing and I just want to say that my heart goes out to your family. I can't imagine not knowing where or what happened to one of my kids. Even after they have grown you still worry. I'm the mother of 3, ages 32,29 & my son 21. I guess I just want to say to the parents God Bless you. I know your hearts are heavy with your loss. The not knowing would be the hardest. It would kill me or I'd want to die without one of my kids, my babies. Your family will be in my prayers as well as your lost ones. Take care of each other & may God bless you all. Sincerely, Juanita McKenzie, Corona, Ca. 12/5/06
Juanita McKenzie, Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Hello,rnI am Lawrence Petrone's grandaugther Lauren. I wanted to give my love and prayers to the family, especially during the holiday season. Richard is still in my prayers and my family and I still think about you often.
Lauren Hart, Thursday, November 30, 2006
i finished preparing the thanksgiving soup, i finished the sweet potatoes too, and then i finished crying...then i started thinking that, maybe grandmom petrone and sonsini are making dinner too, somewhere...but not here... and maybe grandpop petrone and sonsini are having a drink together with aunt maria and uncle dennis with you little rich....and i thought to myself....thanksgiving...not here ...but maybe there.....just maybe there.....luv auntie
auntlisa, Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Most times I know you're coming.You're always there in the early morning quiet of my ride to work.You're always there on the special days that bring us all together. But today you took me by surprise.Once at work I'm usually engaged without much time for personal thoughts.But today I stepped outside for a moment as the sky began to lighten and birds chirped away in the trees and in that moment I thought where is my son....why can't he hear the birds and share this morning's glory.
rich petrone, Wednesday, November 22, 2006
HirnI am a retired grandmother from NY..I spend all of my spare time trying to find missing people, and also link missing to unidentified.rnI had a thought concerning this case, and looked on EBAY....rnIf you type in Dodge Dakota Truckrnyou will find enough PARTS to build a truck....have the police check it out.rnrnHope this is of some help and good luck.rnJudy MahoneyrnUpstate New York
Judy, Monday, October 30, 2006
Please accept my sympathy and I hope that you are able to locate your loved ones soon. I would like to make a suggestion ... look in the water. There have been many cases where people have disappeared with their vehicles, credit cars, and cell phones; they were discovered years, sometimes decades later, in their vehicles submerged in a body of water adjacent to a roadway. One such case was Dr. Zehra Attari; her body was found in her car submerged in SF Bay. Mary Jane Gooding is another case. I hope this information helps and good luck in your search.rnCindy
Cindy, Monday, October 9, 2006
I saw the clip on Without A Trace and came to see what happened. rnI am praying for both Richard and Danielle's families. I am sending all my positive energy and thoughts your way. I know God will give you the answers and help you find them.rnGod Bless You all.rnAnna
Anna DeMarco, Sunday, October 1, 2006
I think about you alot and wonder what happened to you. I don't know you, but for some reason since I read about you, it has haunted me. I send me love, and hope that wherever you are, you are okay. I hope soon, there is closure for your family. Much love, Betty
betty, Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Checking in to see if there have been any updates. I haven't seen Rich in quite a few years, but he was a great guy. I was shocked when I first saw the missing flyer last year. rnrnThe families are in my thoughts.
Jim Taylor, Friday, September 22, 2006
Dad it feels like yesterday we would be driving to mommoms singing along with bruce or heading to the park to play tennis. You taught me so many things that will carry on with me for the rest of my life. Your birthday just past but there is nothing to celebrate without you here but the memories that will be in my heart forever. There is not a soul on earth that could amount to the love I hold inside my heart for you,you are my father. my idle and my best friend. my heart will never mend until we find justice ill see you tonight in my dreams daddy.
angela, Friday, September 22, 2006
I followed this case since the first day they went missing. I truly hope and pray they will be found soon and justice will be served for them. Never give up hope! Love from Belgium xxx
Kris, Saturday, September 9, 2006
happy birthday richardrn my prayers r with u and your familyrni love them allrn i wish them ......rn peace,rnlove,rn tom,cass,and matthew fay
cass fay, Tuesday, August 29, 2006
As the 1 1/2 year comes upon us I will keep all of Richies family and friends in my prayers. God Bless you all and may he give you the continued strength to go on each day until your prayers have been answered.
Diane, Friday, August 18, 2006
To the Petrone family,rnrnI have paid attention to this case since my Grandmother Rita told me about Richard. My heart goes out to you and to everyone who loved him, as well as Danielle. rnWith the new findings in the Jon Benet Ramsey case, it shows that there is hope, and that the person or people responsible for this crime will be brought to justice. You are in my prayers,rnMichele Cookrn(Steve and Renee's daughter)
Michele, Thursday, August 17, 2006
Hello everyone. I just wanted to let Rich, Marge, Theresa, Donna, the Posse and all who care about Richie that I am continuing to keep all of you in my daily prayers. Everyday I pray there will be an answer. Keep strong. Even in silence we are ALL still there for you and you are always in our hearts.
Diane, Friday, August 4, 2006
My thoughts and prayers are with the family. I remember hearing about this case quite some time ago and prayed at the time for their safe return. I just today came across this website and just wanted to communciate my thoughts and prayers to the families. rnrnRespectfully,rnrnDarlene M. Geoghan
Darlene Geoghan, Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I followed this case since day one of their vanishing and still no news or no new leads, it's a real shame such good people have to be harmed by someone who couldn't stand them being happy. I hope and pray that one day soon this will be resolved and they can rest in peace like they deserve. Have you considered contacting Carla Baron for the show: Haunting Evidence, I think this case is a very good case to show for that show and maybe it could yield some new clues or things that were overlooked at the time. I will be praying for Richard and Danielle until they come home. Be strong and never give up hope, there are a lot of people from all over the world that are thinking of them.
Kris from Belgium, Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Upon searching for a re-search paper due I came across your web site. My heart goes out to your family and friends.rn As someone who is a Sgt on the Police Dept in MA,I have had the bad luck of having to inform parents of situations like this. I hope and pray that your children will one day return. Peace be with you. Sgt A.Petrone Worc, MA
Anthony M. Petrone, Saturday, July 1, 2006
You are always in our thoughts and prrayers.
Wayne, Diane, George & Dotty Price, Monday, June 12, 2006
Keeping the families of these people in my prayers.
~Jessica~, Saturday, June 10, 2006
my heart and prayers are with you everyday. There is not much I can say except my heart is broken for you. God doesnt sleep. We are praying for some information or leads to come up. rnrnLove, Elaine
Elaine Della Rocca Faragalli, Thursday, June 1, 2006
You are in our thoughts and prayers every day. We continue to pray for the day that you have answers and the return of your loved ones.
PoorPaulaNNJ, Monday, April 24, 2006
Rich and Marge, We think of you daily and we also keep you in our prayers.
George and Dotty Price, Monday, March 27, 2006
Hi Big Rich and Marge, Just wanted to let you know I still have the picture of Richie and Big Rich holding a wedding cake in front of the bakery on my desk. Richie, I look at it everyday and wonder where you are. I know you are in a much better place than us and I'm glad we have an extra angel up there to watch out for all of us, especially your mom, dad, sister and Angela. You and Danielle take care of each other until we all meet up again. We miss you and even if we aren't as vocal as we were, there are so many of us that pray for you both and your families every day and we won't stop, not even for one day.
Diane Meyer, Monday, March 27, 2006
To the families,rnKeep the faith. I feel something is going to be found out real soon.
DR, Thursday, March 16, 2006
Petrone family: Just stopping by the site to say hello, and that I'm thinking of you. Your friend always, - Lee
Lee George, Thursday, March 9, 2006
The truck has disappeared along with them. If they were done away with I think the culprit would do it quickly to lessen the chance of them escaping. Since they were close to the Delaware river could the vehicle be in the water? There are areas where it could be dumped into the river and the easiest would be the ramp where the duck tourist bus/boat enters into the river. I'd search that area for the truck first. Otherwise it could be anywhere, your guess is as good as mine.
dimitri theophano, Monday, March 6, 2006
Hi, I'm a college student from Cincinnati, Ohio and somehow I came across this website. I saw the date and I thought it was a little odd that it's the day after Richard went missing, so I decided to read the webpage. This story is very touching and I want to let you know the I will keep you in my prayers. I know it is hard, but there's always hope. Maybe someday soon, someone will have the heart to come forward with answers. It's a shame the way the world is today. And I'm not the biggest believer in psychics, but I do find that Sylvia Brown does amazing work. Maybe it would be worthwhile to consult her- even if it is just for a little guidance in what you should do next. Until then, I will continue to pray for you and I hope that this story will lead to a positive ending. Sincerely,rn~ Krystal ~
Krystal Lockett, Monday, February 20, 2006
To The Parents of Richard Petrone and rnDaniella ,rnI just want you to know our prayers andrnlove are with you .In these times of trial when all seems lost and hope is fading ,remember you are in the thoughts of many many people. We lost our grandson 20 years old six months ago .So we know the pain of losing someonernso dear .,but I can't imagine not knowing where my child is or not knowing what happened. I PRAY THAT PEACE BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.rnOur prayers and our families prayers are with you everyday.
Barbara & Richard Massi, Monday, February 6, 2006
Richard -- I love you and know you are watching all of us -- every day. Your infectious smile and great sense of humor is what I remember most about you. Your Mom and Dad love you more than you could possibly know. Keep your watch over them -- they need your love and guidance. Every day for them is a struggle but they manage to get through it. All of our lives will never be the same without you. Just know that we love and think of you every day. rnLove, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Friday, January 13, 2006
ugh to have known you. I pray to god every day that he looks over you and your family. May god bless you and your family Rich. Return to us soon my friend."
Anthony Ferrara Jr., Sunday, January 8, 2006
To the Petrone family, I am Joebay Faragalli's son. I remember the times when i would work with my dad at the bakery, i would see Rich jr. He always made me feel comfortable. He is a great guy. Our thoughts and , of course, our prayers are with you. We pray that the peace that only Jesus can provide will continue to blanket your family. Always remember, the police and all those involved in the search dont know who did this, but God does.. He doesnt forget.. We pray that a lead will surface soon... LOVE CARLO
Carlo Faragalli, Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Little Richard,rnLast Year on December 7th, I had a holiday party. Your mom's smile lit up the room! She brought all of desserts. She was so happy and talked about you and Danielle with great affection. We hoped you'd show...;-). Then, new years day, I found you at the parade. Your smile lit up the crowd with your Yo Cuz! You handed me your flask and were off to get your daughter.rnrnI am sorry this happened. You were taken from your family to early. But you have the gang with you now. Watch over your family, give them strengh as they face this holiday.rnrncuzin donnarnxo
Cousin Donna, Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Dear Mr. Petrone,rnYou have our heartfelt support this holiday season and in the tough months that follow. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I hope you do get your hands on the 'you know what's' before the cops do. Don't give up believing in everything you believed in before this happened or else they'll win. Sincerely, John and Jen
John, Monday, December 19, 2005
I do not know your family but came across this story. I pray for your family. My aunt lives in Pennsauken and in November 2003, her 16 year old daughter (my cousin) was found lying under a bridge by my aunt (her mother). Up until today we don't know what happened to her and who did it. We are at a lost so I can understand your pain. I will pray for your families as well my own own that we will find peace.rnrnMay God Bless You...rn
Tracy M. Thomas, Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Danielle...rnRichard...rnI did not know you existed until today...rnToday, because I just read your story in the Crime Library website. And the Crime Library article made me love you as the persons you are. Not only as a couple... but also as the persons, Danielle and Richard, daughter and son, mother and father, friend and friend...rnI do not know if you are alive or not, if all this is a big and horrible joke... or not. I just feel, down deep inside my heart, that you may no longer be with us, and I hope that the reality of your destiny will finally be revealed and that your families and friends will be at peace... at last.rnI also hope, if you are no longer with us, that the person, or persons, responsible for your too early goodbye, will be visiting hell for eternity.rnThere is no reason, in my mind and in my heart, for two people like you to have be taken away from life so suddenly, without any explanations.rnSo far away, and yet so close.rnWith love,rnCorinna
Corinna Ott Weber, Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Hey Buddy. rnrnI can hear you now, bustin' my chops about the T.O. debacle and Donovan's crying. Then you'll pent it all up and unleash in your glory about how your Bears are now 9-3 and in first place in the NFC North. They're winning the old fashioned way, with a tough as nails defense that pounds a guy into the ground. There's usually a sod of grass on his hat or a smear of blood running down his face, but either way it's grimy and raw, the way we like it to be played. We'd watch Flyers games and talk about Forsberg and the new shootout rule (I know you would love that one). We'd talk about the recent Bruce tour. You'd be so happy to know that Big Rich and I went to two shows together and celebrated you. I am now learning to find new ways to celebrate the joy that you brought into my life. You never had to do too much to get me to laugh. So as I continue in life, between the grieving, I'll remind myself of the things that made you who you are. My to-do list includes: buying an Urlacher Jersey and going to see the Bears play the Packers in Chicago. Then I want to go visit your cousin Stacey and borrow your dog Bizmark for an afternoon of spinning around a tree in a park. I'll also coordinate with some of your friends to do more fun Rich stuff. rnrnYou'll always be in my thoughts bud, especially this Christmas. I'll be sure to visit your family to share in the joy of who you have been and what you have given to them.rnrnYou'll always be a special guy. Thanks Buddy. Talk to you again soon.rnrnTP
Tom P., Thursday, December 8, 2005
Has anyone checked the VIN of their truck on CARFAX in case it was somehow illegaly sold?
dimitri theophano, Friday, December 2, 2005
MAN , I wish I could be with you tonight...Football season is empty without razzing you about your Bears...Praying I see you soon. - 40
Joseph Binstead, Friday, November 25, 2005
I do not know Richard, but this story really baffles me, have the police aggressively combed rivers and bodies of water nearby? They could have possibly ran off the road somewhere. It breaks my heart, I look on the news every night for new info. I hope they keep this story in the spotlight.rnHoping for a safe return Richard.
Beth, Saturday, November 12, 2005
Dear Rich and Marge,rnrnI first heard about Richie's disappearance when I was home in Philly last April for Mindy's mother's unveiling. I was heartsick at the news, and remain heartsick today. I keep a picture of you, Marge, with Angela from the newspaper on my desk at work and so think of you all every day.rnrnI remember his adorable 15 year-old face at Viking on Walnut Street, which is when last I saw him. What a beautiful boy he was. I think back often and with great affection to the days I worked for you. Your kindnesses were many and I had such fun working with you both and with your whole family. Know that I am grieving and praying along with you from here in California.rnrnTo his safe return...rnrnSincerely,rnrnPamrnrn
Pam Postrel, Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Richard & Marge:rnrnI was a friend of yours, oh so many years ago. I remember Richard, Jr. as a small child, his parent's pride and joy. A wonderful child. Happy in the apartment behind your dad's optician shop. rnrnAs sometimes happens, given life's divergent paths, we drifted apart. But I have always included you and your family as friends in my heart.rnrnMy prayers are with you, that you may get through this ordeal , and that Richard and Danielle will be returned to you, alive and healthy.rnrnYour old and long distant friend,rnrnJoe LaCerra
Joseph LaCerra, Monday, November 7, 2005
I have been following this story form day 1 and feel the frustration of having no answers. I have asked my family who work in Philly to put up posters. I do not know Danielle or richard, but believe they are beautiful people and are so loved by many!!!! Your in my prayers! I will continue to bring attention to this case until they are brought home.
Elizabeth, Friday, October 21, 2005
Mr. and Mrs. Petrone my thoughts and prayers are with you. I played hockey with Rich at Eustace and with the Gladiators. We had a pretty good line when I was a senior in 1986 with Rich at center. I have been out of NJ for 15 years but have been following this site closely. All the best.
Steve, Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Tonight I am filled with a rage so deep and an anger so hot that I want to scream at the heavens WHY...WHY...Why did this happen to two such beautiful people ? What vile creatures committed such evil upon such decency ? I want to wrap my hands around their throats and squeeze the pitiful life from them. These creatures of darkness should know one thing for sure... once the lie is told and the deed is done it can never be untold or undone but ripples and multiplies through time until it strikes the awesome majesty of truth. The perpetrators of this evil must necessarily live in constant fear every minute of their wretched lives while the hammer of truth pounds away at them every day with a momentum they cannot imagine. The truth, embodied in the FBI is merciless, unrelenting, and inevitable. So while I may have moments when my spirit weakens I still know with my whole heart that time and the FBI are on our side and that ultimately the truth will prevail and we will never cease our quest for justice.
richard petrone, Saturday, October 15, 2005
Rich,rnrnEvery day is as hard as the last. I try to think that it will be easier as time passes, but it never is. You're not here. I went to see Pearl Jam tonight. I would have normally gone with you to see this show. You would have had so much to say about it. I know you would have loved it. I thought about you throughout the night. It definitely wasn't the same. Nothing will ever be the same without you around.. Life's experiences were so much more rewarding when you were involed in them in some way. It's all so different now. I never will forget what it was like to be your friend. This time of year we'd always have so much to talk about. You'll never be gone from my thoughts. As long as I exist, you will be in my heart and in my mind. No one can ever take that away from us. I wish you well, buddy. talk to you again soon.rnrnTP
Tom P, Monday, October 3, 2005
To: The Petrone FamilyrnrnrnWe sincerely feel your pain, because we have known Little Richard all of our lives.rnWe watched him grow into a Fine Young Man, Son, Grandson & Father.rnHis Aunt Lisa is one of my Best and Dearest friends; and his Mom & Dad arerntruly wonderful, kind & caring people. rnThey should not have to go through something like this.rnOur hearts goes out to all of you during this very difficult time.rnRichard is in our thoughts and prayers every single day, as we await his safe return.rnIf there is anything that we can do, we are always here for you.rnTake care and God Bless All of You.rn
Lori D'Alessandro, Wednesday, August 31, 2005
may the wings of our families angels;grandpop petrone, and sonsini, grandmoms petrone and sonsini, uncle dennis, aunt maria, and aunt lil, wrap their wings tightly around you, wherever you may be, keep you safe, secure, and at peace.I wish this today and every day. Please, I ask these angels to protect my brother, sister-in-law and nieces hearts, give them strength, and give strength to the police, fbi, and all of the investigators in locating my nephew and bringing closure to my devastated family....I miss aunt lisa
aunt lisa, Sunday, August 28, 2005
I just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with the family. I knew Richie from our days at Bishop Eustace Prep and have been following the story since the news broke. My heart goes out to his family and his daughter.
Rochelle (Merino) Sims, Sunday, August 28, 2005
My name is Rita Lannutti and I am a friend of Richard Petrones family, and a close friend of Richards Aunt Linda. I have known the Petrone family for a very long time, and they are a caring, loving, and beautiful family. This family does not deserve for something like this to happen to them. My heart goes out to all of you, and my prayers and thoughts are with you every day. If there is anything that I can do, I am always here fo you.
Rita Lannutti, Sunday, August 28, 2005
I am a close friend of the family and sincerely feel their pain. The birthday message I read was very touching I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers ALWAYS! Love Lisa xoxoxo
Lisa Bonavitacola, Friday, August 26, 2005
I have followed this case in the news and papers and my heart and prayers go out to you all during this period,hopefully they are in GODS hands and he will deliver them back safe to their loved ones .God please help them
George Restivo, Sunday, August 21, 2005
Lance,rnrnGreat job on all the coverage and the support. You are very gifted and the world and Petrone family is blessed to have you. Thanks to your wonderful wife as well.rnrndmv
Donna V, Saturday, August 20, 2005
I love you guys. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
mair, Thursday, July 28, 2005
I dont know Richard but i am friends with his sister Alisa. My heart goes out to both families.I pray richard and danielle return home.
Stefanie, Thursday, June 30, 2005
I met Richard and his sister Christine through mutual friends many years ago when we where teenagers. There was a group of us that were friends for years. I have not seen Richard for about 15 years, but as soon as I saw the story on the news, I knew it was him. My prayers are with the family for the safe return of Richard and Danielle. God Bless, rnrnCheryl (Cristinzio) Evans
Cheryl Evans, Tuesday, June 14, 2005
My heart goes out to both families. You are in my prayers. As much time as I spend on the road, I keep a vigilant search.rnATPGO
joe vandy, Saturday, May 28, 2005
Although I am not in PA to help with the search efforts I do pray the Lord leads you to you destination, that he holds your hands and give you the strength and encouragement to go on another day knowing you will find your loved ones. God Bless you. Stay strong!
Daniele Berzin, Monday, May 9, 2005
I learned about Richard and Danielle being missing from watching the news when I saw an old friend of mine telling their story. I watch the news, and go to both sites daily for any updates. I pray for their return, and hope it is a safe one.
Nicole A. Bashwinger, Thursday, May 5, 2005
I had read in the TRIBUTES TO RICHARD....rnHis friend Tom wrote about him.rnThat was so wonderful. It brought tears to my eyes. Not to mention this whole thing always brings tears to my eyes, lump to my throat and etc.....rnAnd the video is great!!!!!rnI pray everyday for Richie and Danielle and some peace.rn
Tina, Tuesday, April 26, 2005
i knew rich but not that good but it still makes me sick that we can not find them.he was very close friends of the family. they are in my prayers every night. i hope we find them soon!rn sincerelyrn amanda sheridan
amanda, Friday, April 22, 2005
Hi, I saw a post on a message board, a gal had MISSING: and the web site. I am from Kansas City, Missouri and have not heard about this tragedy. But, I have been reading the info from top to bottom. I lost a dear cousin at a young age, I know how hard it is on families. I will keep Danielle and richard in my prayers! rnNickole rn
Nickole, Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Angela, I think about you every day and pray that your dad (& danielle) are found. Please remember if there is anything you need, give us a call... even if its just to come down for the day to be with the kids and help take your mind off things... you are always welcomed.. We love you very much Ang and are thinking of you constantly. Love, Aunt Cathy and Uncle Tony
Cathy, Thursday, April 14, 2005
I do not know Richard or Danielle. I live in Texas and read about this tragedy on I just want to say that my prayers go out to Richard, Danielle and their friends and family. I am following this and doing what I can from Texas to help...
Laura Stark, Wednesday, April 13, 2005
My dearest Richard, I wish you could know how many people love you. What a tribute to you and Danielle. Your family misses you desperately -- we all miss you. I am not big on sharing my feelings at a time like this but we are all at a loss as to where you are. Every day that goes by adds to the pain. Just want you to know that we love you and miss you. rnLove, Aunt Roe and Justin
Rosemarie, Tuesday, April 12, 2005
My sister and I have known Rich for sister Cindy went to school with Rich and Christine and was good friends with them...I played Ice Hockey with and against him(I went to Cherry Hill East). I would like to join in the search and will do anything needed of me. Please e-mail me and let me know what you need.rnrnif any information I gather lead to the finding of Rich and Danielle I do not want the reward....I am doing this out of friendship to Rich and his family. May god bless them and bring them home safely.
Anthony Ferrara, Jr., Monday, April 11, 2005
I know Rich from both grade school and high school. I have been following this story via the internet for the past 6 weeks, as I now live in Biloxi, MS. I have always considered Rich a friend, and I am praying for him and Danielle, and my heart goes out to both families.rnrn
Lou Papa, Monday, April 11, 2005
Learned of this tragic story from a Buffalo, NY newspaper and then went online to understand navigating the links of Internet use. Currently a novice on this computer system. Hope for all with a fast conclusion to this matter. The musical tributes are over whelming with tears on my cheeks. From another person who is a RICHARD also !
Richard, Sunday, April 3, 2005
Prayers are with you, I hope both Danielle and Richard are found soon.
Amy, Saturday, April 2, 2005
My thoughts and prayers (every night) are for Rich and Danielle, and both of their extended families. Angela-- I think of you every day, and hope you are okay... little Tony wishes you well too....
Lori, Wednesday, March 30, 2005
On this holiday, my thoughts and prayers are with this beautiful couple and my hope is for their safe return home to their children and faimiles. May God watch over you.
Jennifer Bushnik, Saturday, March 26, 2005
My prayers are with you at all times, i wish for your safe recovery.
Theresa, Friday, March 25, 2005
I am 35 yrs old, born/raised in Philadelphia. I recently moved to Florida and just read the story of your loved ones on the net. I pray to the Great Lord Jesus for their safe return. I have also forwarded this story to my Pastor and Church in Philadelphia. God Bless You All.
Rita Rodriguez, Thursday, March 24, 2005
As a Christian, and a mom, my heart goes out to both families. I will share this with my church prayer group and we will keep on the lookout, even though we are all the way out here in rural Montana. I am just one of millions who has heard about this on the internet and is praying for Richard, Danielle, and the families. God Bless.
Donna Gianolla, Thursday, March 24, 2005
I am praying hard every day for the safe return of these two wonderful people. I have known Danielle since she was 6 years old and Richard since he was 14 and my heart breaks to see the torment that their families are going through.
Missy R., Wednesday, March 23, 2005
MICHELLE, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
My prayers are with the couple, their families and their friends. I am on the West Coast but will pass on the information to my East Coast circle. May God speed their journey back home.
Ross Sutton, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
RUTHANN PALMER, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
JOANNA, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Read about the disappearance and immediately thought about the possibility that the couple ran off a bridge or an abuttment landing them in some kind of waterway and buried below. Has this been explored ?
Jack, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
My family is a long time customer of the Viking Bakery and we pray for the safe return of Danielle and Richard. Ted Rauch Rosemont, PA
ted rauch, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I just want to send out my thoughts and prayers for both families. I do not know Richard or Danielle but have been through what these families are going thru. My prayers will be with you though while you are going thru this difficult time in your life and I hope that everything ends well. Crystal
Crystal, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I suggest you contact this lady to see if she can help. She work for the police with missing persons. I pray for the families. Her name is Laurie McQuaryrnrn15800 Boones Ferry Road, Suite C-205rnLake Oswego, OR 97035rnVoice (503) 636-1832rnFax(503) 636-1093rn
Carol, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I am very sorry to all the members of both families. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. May God be with you and give you all strength that is needed to endure such stressful circumstances. God bless the children of Richard and Danielle, may your parents return home soon safely.
Diane, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I do not know Richard or Danielle but I pray for them and their families every night. Stay positive and God Bless.
Danielle Garcia, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I do not know Richard or Danielle, I read about this on AOL news, but my prayers are with them, their family, and friends for a safe return.
Rowena, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I do not know Richard and Danielle I just saw this article online. My thoughts and prayers are with both of the families & I will pray for the both of them to come home safely...
Julie, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I do not know Richard or Danielle but I saw this story on my local news (Nashville, TN) this afternoon...It makes me sick to my stomach to hear this horrible news...I cannot imagine the sadness that her little boy and his daughter are sure to experience for the rest of their lives are they not found....I wish there was something I could do to help in such a terrible hopeless situation...I cannot fathom what it would be like if a loved one were to simply vanish...I am truly sorry for their friends and family and hope that they may find some peace very soon...Asia Payne - Nashville, TN
Asia Payne, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
It has been many years since I have seen Richie or Danielle but we had alot of great times together. My heartfelt sorrow goes out to both families as my family and I are praying for their safe returm home.rn
Lori Faer-Downing, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Angela, this is from all of us from WV, we all love you and hope that your dad is alright. Were all praying for you and your family. Please give me a call ..
Jess Rothstein, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
It has been many years since I have seen Richie or Danielle but we had alot of great times together. My heartfelt sorrow goes out to both families as my family and I are praying for their safe returm home.rnLori Faer
Lori Faer-Downing, Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I am so sorry to hear about this I pray for your families every night I have sent this to every contact in me address book.... Keep up the faith rnrnMy prayers are with you!
Staci Shoenberger, Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I am praying for both of you and your families!!!!!!Please be somewhere safe!!! Rich is a great person always happy!!! Dannielle was always smiling!!!! Love you Both, Dana DeMone
Dana DeMone, Monday, March 21, 2005
I worked with Danielle about 5 yrs ago. I feel terrible about what is happening. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.rnRikki Hamby
rikki, Friday, March 18, 2005
To the Petrone & Imbo/Ottobre family,rnI am so saddened by this horrific news. I knew both Richard and Christine as well as Danielle from high school. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.rnrnTracy Wahler (Batt)
Tracy Wahler (Batt), Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I have not seen Rich or Danielle in a lot of years. I know Danielle from Cherry Hill East and Rich from Christine and hanging out at the teen dance club California East. My heart goes out to both families and I am praying for a safe return.
Suzanne Forman, Tuesday, March 15, 2005
To the Petrone & Imbo family,rnMy thoughts and prayers are with you. I live only a few blocks away from Richard. I will also ask around the neighborhood. May God bless you.
Sonya H. (S. Philly), Monday, March 14, 2005
To all of the Petrone family,rnMy thoughts and prayers are with all of you every day. I try to talk to different people to see if anyone has any different info on the situaton. Richard is a great person and it breaks my heart everytime I think about this unknown. My heart goes out to you Marge (from a moms perspective) and his daughter. Please, know that there are many people(more than you would think) that are trying everyday to find an answer to this horrific disappearance. May you be blessed with peace of mind quickly! All my love, Trudy
Trudy Morgan(Brandt), Friday, March 11, 2005