Show all | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005Emotions run very high during the holidays. It's painful to feel joy when your heart is so empty, but strength comes in many forms. This site has provided an oasis to those who care for these people and their families. A vital link with hope for a resolve to this tragic rnepisode. My primary wish for the coming year is for swift discovery.rnA light that will shine on the truth that may give solace to those with empty hearts. There is much love here. Being able to read the feelings expressed by everyone is a truely a comfort. Thank you.
michael nardi, Thursday, December 21, 2006
Shed warmth and peace in your family and friends hearts, Rich. Let'em feel your warmth from where you are. This is all still a nightmare. Watch over us as we face the holidays. rnrnKiss my nan, mom, dad, and the gang.rnrndmv
cuz'n Donna, Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I came upon this website by accident. I did a Google search for a brand of expensive tequila. I don't know the correct spelling and it took me to a wrong page. I saw this website, it was the 3rd one down. I've read a little about the missing and I just want to say that my heart goes out to your family. I can't imagine not knowing where or what happened to one of my kids. Even after they have grown you still worry. I'm the mother of 3, ages 32,29 & my son 21. I guess I just want to say to the parents God Bless you. I know your hearts are heavy with your loss. The not knowing would be the hardest. It would kill me or I'd want to die without one of my kids, my babies. Your family will be in my prayers as well as your lost ones. Take care of each other & may God bless you all. Sincerely, Juanita McKenzie, Corona, Ca. 12/5/06
Juanita McKenzie, Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Hello,rnI am Lawrence Petrone's grandaugther Lauren. I wanted to give my love and prayers to the family, especially during the holiday season. Richard is still in my prayers and my family and I still think about you often.
Lauren Hart, Thursday, November 30, 2006
i finished preparing the thanksgiving soup, i finished the sweet potatoes too, and then i finished crying...then i started thinking that, maybe grandmom petrone and sonsini are making dinner too, somewhere...but not here... and maybe grandpop petrone and sonsini are having a drink together with aunt maria and uncle dennis with you little rich....and i thought to myself....thanksgiving...not here ...but maybe there.....just maybe there.....luv auntie
auntlisa, Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Most times I know you're coming.You're always there in the early morning quiet of my ride to work.You're always there on the special days that bring us all together. But today you took me by surprise.Once at work I'm usually engaged without much time for personal thoughts.But today I stepped outside for a moment as the sky began to lighten and birds chirped away in the trees and in that moment I thought where is my son....why can't he hear the birds and share this morning's glory.
rich petrone, Wednesday, November 22, 2006
HirnI am a retired grandmother from NY..I spend all of my spare time trying to find missing people, and also link missing to unidentified.rnI had a thought concerning this case, and looked on EBAY....rnIf you type in Dodge Dakota Truckrnyou will find enough PARTS to build a truck....have the police check it out.rnrnHope this is of some help and good luck.rnJudy MahoneyrnUpstate New York
Judy, Monday, October 30, 2006
Please accept my sympathy and I hope that you are able to locate your loved ones soon. I would like to make a suggestion ... look in the water. There have been many cases where people have disappeared with their vehicles, credit cars, and cell phones; they were discovered years, sometimes decades later, in their vehicles submerged in a body of water adjacent to a roadway. One such case was Dr. Zehra Attari; her body was found in her car submerged in SF Bay. Mary Jane Gooding is another case. I hope this information helps and good luck in your search.rnCindy
Cindy, Monday, October 9, 2006
I saw the clip on Without A Trace and came to see what happened. rnI am praying for both Richard and Danielle's families. I am sending all my positive energy and thoughts your way. I know God will give you the answers and help you find them.rnGod Bless You all.rnAnna
Anna DeMarco, Sunday, October 1, 2006
I think about you alot and wonder what happened to you. I don't know you, but for some reason since I read about you, it has haunted me. I send me love, and hope that wherever you are, you are okay. I hope soon, there is closure for your family. Much love, Betty
betty, Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Checking in to see if there have been any updates. I haven't seen Rich in quite a few years, but he was a great guy. I was shocked when I first saw the missing flyer last year. rnrnThe families are in my thoughts.
Jim Taylor, Friday, September 22, 2006
Dad it feels like yesterday we would be driving to mommoms singing along with bruce or heading to the park to play tennis. You taught me so many things that will carry on with me for the rest of my life. Your birthday just past but there is nothing to celebrate without you here but the memories that will be in my heart forever. There is not a soul on earth that could amount to the love I hold inside my heart for you,you are my father. my idle and my best friend. my heart will never mend until we find justice ill see you tonight in my dreams daddy.
angela, Friday, September 22, 2006
I followed this case since the first day they went missing. I truly hope and pray they will be found soon and justice will be served for them. Never give up hope! Love from Belgium xxx
Kris, Saturday, September 9, 2006
happy birthday richardrn my prayers r with u and your familyrni love them allrn i wish them ......rn peace,rnlove,rn tom,cass,and matthew fay
cass fay, Tuesday, August 29, 2006
As the 1 1/2 year comes upon us I will keep all of Richies family and friends in my prayers. God Bless you all and may he give you the continued strength to go on each day until your prayers have been answered.
Diane, Friday, August 18, 2006
To the Petrone family,rnrnI have paid attention to this case since my Grandmother Rita told me about Richard. My heart goes out to you and to everyone who loved him, as well as Danielle. rnWith the new findings in the Jon Benet Ramsey case, it shows that there is hope, and that the person or people responsible for this crime will be brought to justice. You are in my prayers,rnMichele Cookrn(Steve and Renee's daughter)
Michele, Thursday, August 17, 2006
Hello everyone. I just wanted to let Rich, Marge, Theresa, Donna, the Posse and all who care about Richie that I am continuing to keep all of you in my daily prayers. Everyday I pray there will be an answer. Keep strong. Even in silence we are ALL still there for you and you are always in our hearts.
Diane, Friday, August 4, 2006
My thoughts and prayers are with the family. I remember hearing about this case quite some time ago and prayed at the time for their safe return. I just today came across this website and just wanted to communciate my thoughts and prayers to the families. rnrnRespectfully,rnrnDarlene M. Geoghan
Darlene Geoghan, Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I followed this case since day one of their vanishing and still no news or no new leads, it's a real shame such good people have to be harmed by someone who couldn't stand them being happy. I hope and pray that one day soon this will be resolved and they can rest in peace like they deserve. Have you considered contacting Carla Baron for the show: Haunting Evidence, I think this case is a very good case to show for that show and maybe it could yield some new clues or things that were overlooked at the time. I will be praying for Richard and Danielle until they come home. Be strong and never give up hope, there are a lot of people from all over the world that are thinking of them.
Kris from Belgium, Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Upon searching for a re-search paper due I came across your web site. My heart goes out to your family and friends.rn As someone who is a Sgt on the Police Dept in MA,I have had the bad luck of having to inform parents of situations like this. I hope and pray that your children will one day return. Peace be with you. Sgt A.Petrone Worc, MA
Anthony M. Petrone, Saturday, July 1, 2006
You are always in our thoughts and prrayers.
Wayne, Diane, George & Dotty Price, Monday, June 12, 2006
Keeping the families of these people in my prayers.
~Jessica~, Saturday, June 10, 2006
my heart and prayers are with you everyday. There is not much I can say except my heart is broken for you. God doesnt sleep. We are praying for some information or leads to come up. rnrnLove, Elaine
Elaine Della Rocca Faragalli, Thursday, June 1, 2006
You are in our thoughts and prayers every day. We continue to pray for the day that you have answers and the return of your loved ones.
PoorPaulaNNJ, Monday, April 24, 2006
Rich and Marge, We think of you daily and we also keep you in our prayers.
George and Dotty Price, Monday, March 27, 2006
Hi Big Rich and Marge, Just wanted to let you know I still have the picture of Richie and Big Rich holding a wedding cake in front of the bakery on my desk. Richie, I look at it everyday and wonder where you are. I know you are in a much better place than us and I'm glad we have an extra angel up there to watch out for all of us, especially your mom, dad, sister and Angela. You and Danielle take care of each other until we all meet up again. We miss you and even if we aren't as vocal as we were, there are so many of us that pray for you both and your families every day and we won't stop, not even for one day.
Diane Meyer, Monday, March 27, 2006
To the families,rnKeep the faith. I feel something is going to be found out real soon.
DR, Thursday, March 16, 2006
Petrone family: Just stopping by the site to say hello, and that I'm thinking of you. Your friend always, - Lee
Lee George, Thursday, March 9, 2006
The truck has disappeared along with them. If they were done away with I think the culprit would do it quickly to lessen the chance of them escaping. Since they were close to the Delaware river could the vehicle be in the water? There are areas where it could be dumped into the river and the easiest would be the ramp where the duck tourist bus/boat enters into the river. I'd search that area for the truck first. Otherwise it could be anywhere, your guess is as good as mine.
dimitri theophano, Monday, March 6, 2006
Hi, I'm a college student from Cincinnati, Ohio and somehow I came across this website. I saw the date and I thought it was a little odd that it's the day after Richard went missing, so I decided to read the webpage. This story is very touching and I want to let you know the I will keep you in my prayers. I know it is hard, but there's always hope. Maybe someday soon, someone will have the heart to come forward with answers. It's a shame the way the world is today. And I'm not the biggest believer in psychics, but I do find that Sylvia Brown does amazing work. Maybe it would be worthwhile to consult her- even if it is just for a little guidance in what you should do next. Until then, I will continue to pray for you and I hope that this story will lead to a positive ending. Sincerely,rn~ Krystal ~
Krystal Lockett, Monday, February 20, 2006
To The Parents of Richard Petrone and rnDaniella ,rnI just want you to know our prayers andrnlove are with you .In these times of trial when all seems lost and hope is fading ,remember you are in the thoughts of many many people. We lost our grandson 20 years old six months ago .So we know the pain of losing someonernso dear .,but I can't imagine not knowing where my child is or not knowing what happened. I PRAY THAT PEACE BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.rnOur prayers and our families prayers are with you everyday.
Barbara & Richard Massi, Monday, February 6, 2006
Richard -- I love you and know you are watching all of us -- every day. Your infectious smile and great sense of humor is what I remember most about you. Your Mom and Dad love you more than you could possibly know. Keep your watch over them -- they need your love and guidance. Every day for them is a struggle but they manage to get through it. All of our lives will never be the same without you. Just know that we love and think of you every day. rnLove, Rosemarie
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, Friday, January 13, 2006
ugh to have known you. I pray to god every day that he looks over you and your family. May god bless you and your family Rich. Return to us soon my friend."
Anthony Ferrara Jr., Sunday, January 8, 2006