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Richie & Marge, It’s been 35 years since I saw you last. I regret not staying in touch. Looking back, it’s clear how important your early influence was in giving me a sense of direction and family values, especially at a time as a teenager when I really needed it. Now, with my own kids expressing similar needs, my brief time with ‘Richie, Joe, Marge & Rosemarie at The Bakery in East Brunswick’ always gives me a remarkably positive experience to draw from and never fails to make me smile. With that said, Social Networking is a double edged sword that stabbed me in the heart last night when I learned of your tragedy while attempting to research your location. Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss and the pain you endure. My memory of Richard Jr is brief, but no less special. Richie – you’ll recall when I was playing hockey with him in the basement of your South Philly home. It was so much fun and I’ll always remember it. As a parent, I just can’t imagine the pain. As a friend, I wish I could shoulder it, if only for a brief time. To Richie & Marge and all the people who are left devastated by the tragedy of Richard and Danielle, I offer my thoughts and prayers and hope you’ll continue to find the strength to carry on in support of your precious children and families. Please accept my deepest felt sympathies.
Ken Kancylarz, Saturday, October 21, 2017

August 29, 2017: Richard’s 48th Birthday

Dearest Richard, Happy Birthday. Especially thinking of you today…and will always think of you.
Love, Rosemarie, Tuesday, August 29, 2017

My beautiful forever young nephew…wherever you are…I hope that you are surrounded by calm and safety…again on your birthday I will toast to your spirit…and continue to pray for the unanswered questions and strength for your broken hearted family who misses you each and every day…love you always…Aunt Lisa
Lisa Decotis, Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I remember the day you came into our lives…
you were so perfect, beautifully perfect and for the first time in my life
I felt pure and unconditional selfless love for this tiny angel.

And then I remember the day you came into our lives. Looking back now your mother and I were children ourselves. The first time I held you, you were so perfect, beautifully perfect and for the first time in my life I felt pure and unconditional selfless love for this tiny angel. On that day, at that moment you were the meaning of love. That is what I choose to celebrate today.

Memories of you…and our days together at the rink and on the road playing hockey. Playing is too casual a word for your approach. It was not a game to you but an epic struggle. You lived and breathed and even dreamed hockey. Watching you during those years are surely some of my sweetest memories. My favorite photo of you sits on my desk as I write these words. You are 12 years old sitting in the locker room in your Gladiator uniform, soaked with perspiration after a tough loss staring away in space. It’s that spirit and drive I celebrate today.

Memories of you…at the shore…swimming, fishing, crabbing and hanging on the boardwalk. Everything I do with Robbie is a rerun of what we did. Every fishing line I bait, every crab trap he pulls up, every wave he rides is a like you all over again. Many times he sees the tears in my eyes and knows they’re for Uncle Rich. More often though I think back and cherish the hours we spent together on our all night fishing trips aboard the Starlight in Wildwood. Back then you were too young to haul up your own line – but you stayed with it each year until you did. But it’s those earlier years when you were 8, 9, and 10 that I remember best. You were always filled with wonder then and seemed to be able to ask questions all night long as we sailed. You never lost that sense of wonder and that is what I celebrate today.

Love, Dad
(excerpt from August 29, 2005 post)

Your family will forever be in my prayers. May you find closure, even though it seems impossible. I hope that the exposure from ID brings the answers you are seeking.
Mayra, Thursday, July 13, 2017

I also saw the Disappeared episode about your son, and I am so, so sorry for your loss. Like other posters, I very much hope that you are able to reconcile with Danielle’s family, and support each other through a pain that few understand. I pray this new publicity brings answers. Both families are so deserving of them.
Elizabeth, Saturday, July 8, 2017

Oooh, I am so terribly sorry for your loss and continuous pain, not knowing, I cannot start to imagine what both your families are going through. I wish and will pray that you do find one day what did happened so you can grieve your loss find some type of closure. I will also pray so both your families can reunite, pain can drive people to desperate measure and your children did love each other.
Vanina Versini, Tuesday, June 27, 2017

3 or 4 years ago I read about this story and the case moved me from the beginning, I always remember and I think of this couple. Strength for families. Hugs from Brazil.
Anônimo do Brasil , Friday, June 23, 2017

Just got done watching the ID Channel, I’ll be praying for answers for both family’s. I live in Sacramento ca, you’re story touches my heart from here.
Reyna, Sunday, June 18, 2017

I was watching the ID television program and saw this story. I am so very sorry for both involved. I can only imagine how the “not knowing” must be beyond painful. I am praying for you and hope you have answers sooner than later. God Bless.
Kay , Sunday, June 18, 2017

Someone knows something… two people do not just disappear. This was setup. These two did not have anything in their background that would make you think they were into anything that would have caused them to be murdered! She was getting a divorce. I’m almost POSITIVE this is were the truth lies! Follow the links! This smells like her ex-husband might have hired someone to get rid of her…I do not care if he was 50 miles away. To me that is so convenient! This happened because someone close to them did this!!! My deepest condolences to the family I just am soooo annoyed that nothing has been done yet to bring this families closure! No way in the world do two people and a huge truck just disappear!!! No way!
Concerned, Saturday, June 17, 2017

It saddens me for both families that this remains unsolved…someone somewhere knows something…probably someone close to either Richard or Danielle…I ache for both families and Angela and Joe Jr…God Bless you all…I feel this was almost definitely planned by someone who might have known they would be together that night…It was heartbreaking to watch this on Disappeared. I was in tears by the end of the episode…so tragic.
HP , Thursday, June 15, 2017

‘Chilling’ New Jersey mystery comes to TV and it’s REALLY hard to watch

It was 12 years ago this past February 19th when Mt. Laurel resident Danielle Imbo and her boyfriend Richard Petrone vanished into thin air.
Read More from NJ 101.5

Hello, I just watched your son’s story on Disappeared. I’m so incredibly sorry for your pain of the “unknown”. During the course of my viewing, one thought continuously ran through my head; the truck must be in a body of water as a result of an accident. It was February. Does anyone know what the weather conditions were that evening? Was there a particularly icy, hazardous stretch of roadway along the course of their intended 25 mile drive? I’m also curious to know if there were any custody issues with Danielle’s son at the time of her divorce. Prayers that both families receive the resolution they so desperately need for closure soon.
Andrea, Thursday, June 15, 2017

Just watched the episode of “Disappeared” with your son and his friend on it. I pray that you will get the answers that both of the families need. I also pray that Angels will help and guide both of the families through this tragic time. Also, I think your son is cute.
Susan, Monday, June 12, 2017

Such an incredibly sad story. I can’t help but think the truck went off the road. I think the simplest answer is probably the correct one in this case. Hoping for answers soon.
Amy Hudak, Monday, June 12, 2017

I just wanted to send hopes and prayers from Niagara Falls, NY. I am so sorry for the grief that you have come to endure and I hope that someday you get some answers. Watching your story on the ID channel saddened me deeply. Forever in my thoughts and prayers!
Ryan Walker, Monday, June 11, 2017

I just watched your story on id disappeared. I hope and pray that you find your loved ones. it is so sad for all in the family and friends. I know it is hard for law enforcement. that is tough. the story is truly heartbreaking. god, bless you all.
crystal dupree, Monday, June 11, 2017

Just saw your story on ID Discovery. I hope your families get closure some day. Cannot imagine the pain your families are going through.
Jeff, Monday, June 11, 2017

Richard Petrone, Daniell Imbo: “Disappeared” Focuses on Missing Philadelphia Couple Who Vanished from Bar

Richard Petrone and Danielle Imbo, two lovers, vanished into thin air from a Philadelphia bar in 2005. Their bodies have never been found. Disappeared will chronicle the missing persons case on Investigation Discovery. The victim’s family members and law enforcement officials will provide details for the story.
Read more


February 19, 2017: marks the 12th year of Richard’s disappearance

Older and colder: Couple’s 2005 vanishing remains a mystery

The South Street bar Richard Petrone and Danielle Imbo left on the night of Feb. 19, 2005 is long gone.

Petrone’s Dodge pick-up truck was never seen again. Imbo’s bank account never budged in the days that turned from weeks into years. Not even a reward worth tens of thousands of dollars could pry pertinent information from the public.

“An extensive investigation to date has generated some promising leads; however, neither the victims nor Petrone’s vehicle have ever been located,” the FBI said Friday in a statement.

Read more from the NJ.com article here.

I remember hearing your story on the news. I pray that wherever you are you are at Peace. I will pray for your family’s strength. Tara, March 7, 2017

Praying for Rich and the family everyday. Enrico Ballezzi, Sr., February 20, 2017

Richard — I dread this time of year…the month and date you were taken from us. I know you are up there watching us day in and day out. That is what I believe. That is what makes me feel good and can live with that thought. Love you always, Rosemarie Bonavitacola, February 19, 2017

Always in my prayers for closure for your family…Gone, but never forgotten…
Alyce Patrone Penna, February 18, 2017

Dear Marge and Rich, Just wanted you to know that I’m thinking about you with Love. There are no words. I am eternally sad for your loss and know that I think about you both. With Sadness And love, Cass,Tom and Matthew Fay, Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Margie and Rich, as the day comes closer I turn the calendar to March so I don’t have to see the date. I can’t even begin to imagine what you feel every day. Margie when I saw you at T’s funeral you looked so much better and then as we talked I could see the pain take over your face. I feel so inadequate with anything I say. I don’t think time heals pain I think you just get used to it. I try to choose to think that Richie and T are now our angels and they want us to know they are with us and try to get some kind of comfort from that and know they are in such a wonderful place and have saved a place for us. Again I sit here and am at a loss at what to say. Just know that there are so many people who’s life Richie touched and we will never, ever forget him. I will talk to you on the 19th. Be strong, know that so many others are remembering the wonderful person your son was and feel the comfort of knowing that he is with us every second and watching over us. Love You, Diane
Friday, February 10, 2017

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The Citizen’s Crime Commission is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to their whereabouts: 215-546-TIPS (8477)
South Philadelphia Police: 215-686-3013
Mt. Laurel Township Police: 856-234-1414
NJSP Missing Persons: 800-709-7090
Philadelphia Police: 215-686-3013/ 3014
