August 29, 2014: Richard’s 45th Birthday
Wishing Richard a happy birthday in heaven i know your light is shining on your family its shines ever so bright hugs and kisses to you Marge and Rich and the family love,
Cass Fay, August 30, 2014
Happy Birthday! Woke up today thinking of you – thinking how your life has been taken away unjustly. I know you are up there celebrating with all your family members and friends. We will never forget you. Love you always,
Rosemarie Bonavitacola, August 29, 2014
Viking Pastries Featured in Food Network’s Series Opener
Viking Pastries of Ardmore, Pa., was the most successful game in town, but that all changed when the owners were struck by a family tragedy.
Episode from “Save My Bakery” aired Wednesday, March 19, 8/7c.
February 19, 2014 Marks the 9th Year of Richard’s Disappearance
9 Years Later: Will Billboard Solve Missing Couple Cold Case?
The FBI in Philadelphia says it plans to put up a digital billboard featuring a photo of Richard Petrone and Danielle Imbo in hopes someone can provide clues to their disappearance.
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Petrone family seeks closure 9 years after couple vanished
Marge and Richard Petrone, parents of Richard Petrone Jr., are interviewed in their Cherry Hill home on Wednesday, February 12, 2014. “Our eyes won’t close until we get justice,” said Richard Petrone Jr.’s mother, Marge.
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FBI plans to unveil a digital billboard
Investigators hope bright lights can rekindle the public’s memory of Richard and Danielle and help solve the mystery of their disappearance.
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Still no answers. But the circle of life goes on. There’s a grandson now who will never hear the sound of your laughter or the warmth of your embrace. Much like your birth created our family, his birth has brought us all closer together. He is surrounded by love, especially the love of his parents. They are completely dedicated to his care and you would be so proud of the remarkable mother that Angela is. Young Timmy has brought a joy that has been missing for some time. We all look forward to his visits and the girls smother him with hugs and kisses. You did good. You did very good my son, and we will continue what you began.
Rich Petrone, originally posted on February 19, 2010